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Restaurant for Sale in Pune, India

Established pure veg thali restaurant business generating INR 45 lakh monthly sales across two outlets.

Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader
Reported Sales USD 580 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 640 thousand
EBITDA Margin 25 %
Industries Restaurants
Locations  Pune
Local Time 6:07 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 600 thousand (Native Currency: INR 50,000,000)
Reason: Unable to run as the owner has some family related issues.
Includes physical assets worth USD 95 thousand
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Business Overview
- Pure veg restaurants started about 6 years back and is now able to generate about INR 45 lakh sales per month across our two outlets.
- One branch is in Khothrude and the other is in Baner.
- The Khotrude branch is on the ground floor and can accommodate 120 people also has a party hall with a 35-seat capacity.
- The Baner branch is on the first floor and can accommodate 70 people having a party hall with a 70-seat capacity.
- Khotrude has a daily footfall of about 300 people and the Baner breach sees about 150 customers per day.
- Our restaurant is FSSAI certified and has an online presence but about 99% of our sales are achieved through the offline mode.
Products & Services Overview
Pure veg restaurant serving both Gujarati and Rajasthani cuisines. Top selling products include:
- Pure veg special thali.
- Maharashtrian thali.
- Rajasthani thali.
Assets Overview
Tangible assets:
- Setup for two restaurants.
- Furniture including table, sofa and chairs.
- Kitchen equipment.
- Refrigerator.
- AC.
Intangible assets:
- Billing software.
Facilities Overview
Khothrude branch 4,300 square feet built-up area is on the ground floor we pay a monthly rent of INR 4 lakh.
Baner branch 3,100 square feet built-up area is on the first floor we pay a monthly rent of INR 2.5 lakh.
Capitalization Overview
Business owned by a single owner who has 100% equity.
There are no debt or no loans on the business.
Recent Activity
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