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Businesses for Sale and Investment Opportunities

Showing 1 - 14 of 21853 Businesses for Sale and Investment Opportunities. Buy or Invest in a Business.


Solar Products Company Seeking Loan in Jorhat, India

Installation service provider for solar panels and lights and also a supplier of solar heaters.
We provide services for installation of solar panels and lights. - By the end of April, 2018 we would have installed 300 solar street lights. - We are working for a Govt. project currently. - Also a supplier of solar heaters. - Have tie ups with 5 vendors. - Promoter has 5 years of industry experience.
Installation service provider for solar panels and lights and also a supplier of solar heaters.
6.2   Jorhat
Run Rate Sales
USD 71 thousand
2 %
Business Loan
USD 54 K at 11%
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Solar Projects Company Seeking Loan in Guwahati, India

Private limited company looking for working capital loan for paver blocks and fly ash bricks.
There is a huge opportunity in Assam for solar project & paver Blocks. - Solar and Paver blocks business is at booming stage in Assam. - Currently looking for working capital loan for paver block manufacturing unit.
7.5   Guwahati
Run Rate Sales
Business Loan
USD 83 K at 10%
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Solar Products Business Seeking Loan in Bhatiya, India

Seeks loan: Well-established Gujarat-based electrical-equipment trading business with a strong offline and online sales presence.
The business operates in the electrical equipment industry and is located in Bhatiya, Gujarat. - It primarily focuses on trading various electric products such as submersible pumps, cables, monoblock pumps, solar panels, and controllers, catering to both businesses and individual farmers. - The company has been operational since 2017 and has a partnership with an Australian premium solar company to sell solar rooftop panels. - On average, the business sells approximately 20 pieces of motors per month, depending on customer requirements. - It utilizes online platforms such as IndiaMART for sales, generating an average annual revenue of INR 50,000 to 1 lakh, in addition to serving 95 regular large-scale offline customers. - The business is looking to invest in new machines to replace its regular large-scale customers and expand its operations. - The revenue is generated both offline and online, with offline sales contributing to 75% of the total revenue and online sales contributing to the remaining 25%. - The sales of the business are expected to increase as the motor sales are expected to go up in this season. - The company is registered with a GST certificate and a Udyam certificate.
Seeks loan: Well-established Gujarat-based electrical-equipment trading business with a strong offline and online sales presence.
6.8   Bhatiya
Run Rate Sales
USD 8.6 thousand
20 %
Business Loan
USD 30 K at 12%
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Solar Products Business Seeking Loan in Bhatiya, India

Seeks loan: Well-established Gujarat-based electrical-equipment trading business with a strong offline and online sales presence.
The business operates in the electrical equipment industry and is located in Bhatiya, Gujarat. - It primarily focuses on trading various electric products such as submersible pumps, cables, monoblock pumps, solar panels, and controllers, catering to both businesses and individual farmers. - The company has been operational since 2017 and has a partnership with an Australian premium solar company to sell solar rooftop panels. - On average, the business sells approximately 20 pieces of motors per month, depending on customer requirements. - It utilizes online platforms such as IndiaMART for sales, generating an average annual revenue of INR 50,000 to 1 lakh, in addition to serving 95 regular large-scale offline customers. - The business is looking to invest in new machines to replace its regular large-scale customers and expand its operations. - The revenue is generated both offline and online, with offline sales contributing to 75% of the total revenue and online sales contributing to the remaining 25%. - The sales of the business are expected to increase as the motor sales are expected to go up in this season. - The company is registered with a GST certificate and a Udyam certificate.
Seeks loan: Well-established Gujarat-based electrical-equipment trading business with a strong offline and online sales presence.
6.8   Bhatiya
Run Rate Sales
USD 8.6 thousand
20 %
Business Loan
USD 30 K at 12%
Contact Business

Solar Products Company Seeking Loan in Jamkhandi, India

Company assembles solar home light system and insect killer and sells through various E-commerce platforms.
We are manufacturers of insect killer and home light system which includes 3 bulbs, 1 solar panel and a battery unit. - Capacity to assemble 10 units on a daily basis. - Selling it directly to customers through online E-commerce portals such as Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal. - We receive 2 to 3 orders through online portals on a daily basis and sell these products under our own brand name. - We also have a motivated sales team who are paid commission on every sale.
6.6   Jamkhandi
Run Rate Sales
USD 43 thousand
15 %
Business Loan
USD 24 K at 10%
Contact Business

Solar Products Company Seeking Loan in Jaipur, India

Assembling and installation unit for solar panels and generators looking to buy more stocks.
Assembling and installation unit for solar panels and generators. - Generators range between 220 - 230 Volt AC. - Have tie up with one vendor. - We supply it to individual clients too. - Owner has 6 years of industry experience.
6.5   Jaipur
Run Rate Sales
USD 28.6 thousand
2 %
Business Loan
USD 24 K at 10%
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Solar Products Business Investment Opportunity in Jagatsinghpur, India

Electrical accessories company with exclusive dealership and 100+ clients seek investment for expansion.
We are the main distributors for companies like PM Cona, Nippo, Cospro, Olive and V-Guard. The owner is associated with this business for more than 5 years. Company has 100+ clients and does only B2B services. We receive all the products from the parent company. Most of the sales happen through the IndiaMart page.
5.4   Jagatsinghpur
Run Rate Sales
USD 28.6 thousand
10 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 12 K for 15%
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Solar Products Company Investment Opportunity in Rajkot, India

Solar energy product wholesaler platform doing B2B2C looking to expand pan India.
We have 400+ customers served in the last 3 years. The promoter has a degree in mechanical engineering and MBA from New Zealand with 7+ years of experience handling teams and designing apps and software to boost business. Since our inception, we have completed 300+ residential projects. Now we are changing our business model from solar project to being a dealer of solar products. We had 12-15 employees previously. But due to the change in the business model, we have reduced the number to 4. We have a few part-time employees. The business has experienced a high growth rate as we have recently changed our model from B2C to B2B2C.
8.2   Rajkot
Run Rate Sales
USD 286 thousand
12 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 48 K for 10%
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Renewable Energy Business Seeking Loan in Mumbai, India

Firm engaged in the sale of solar products and solar project implementation seeks growth capital.
We are engaged in the sale of solar products for both domestic and commercial use. - Also engaged in the design and implementation of solar power projects (both on and off grid) - The products are sourced from reputed 3rd party vendors. - At present we have around 54 clients including several international firms. - The business is still in growth stage and we are seeking capital to take on larger projects.
6.5   Mumbai
Run Rate Sales
USD 790 thousand
10 - 20 %
Business Loan
USD 60 K at 12%
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Biomass Power Plant Investment Opportunity in Vadodara, India

Engaged in Smart solar tree, solar bench, Bio-Gas, Power & CNG Projects.
We are two managing partners, each have more than 5 year experience in our fields. One of our directors is engaged in development of smart solar tree, smart solar bench & Efficient Li ion Batteries. He is pursuing PhD as well with Vertical axis wind turbine & Solar hybrid tree, it will fulfil less land requirement & maximum power generation in upcoming future. - The other director possesses huge knowledge & experience of biogas products. He is engaged in designing & development of bio-power, bio-CNG projects, currently Govt. Of India approved 5,000 bio-CNG projects in India. - Past 2 years, we have installed more then 30 kW of solar tree, currently we are working on 50 kW solar tree park. We have installed & supplied more than 3,000 cubic metres of bio gas plant & provided O&M for 18,000 cubic metres bio-CNG projects in Gujarat.
Engaged in Smart solar tree, solar bench, Bio-Gas, Power & CNG Projects.
6.7   Vadodara
Run Rate Sales
USD 143 thousand
30 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 60 K for 5%
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Solar Products Company Investment Opportunity in Nagpur, India

IoT based startup company having prototypes for home automation, seeking funds to begin commercial production.
We are a startup working on IoT based home automation products, and planning to incorporate manufacturing of solar based products street lights and LED lights. We also plan to work on general electronic components based on client requirements. - The R&D for our home automation product and other electronic accessories has been completed and we are ready with prototypes. - As per our market research, we plan to initially sell our products in local market, targeting middle class families and slowly expand our customer base. - Seeking funds for bulk production of our products and to establish market presence pan India.
7.8   Nagpur
Run Rate Sales
USD 14.3 thousand
20 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 24 K for 20%
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Profitable Solar Products Company Seeking Loan in Jaipur, India

A startup venture selling Lighting Equipment and Solar Products with steady growth rate seeking loan.
We started our operations in the month of May, 2017. - We produce LED Products such as, tube-light down-light, panels etc. - Production capacity of our unit is 1,00,000 piece per month. - We source our solar products through an OEM Model. - We have tie-ups with companies like JV Solar in Gujarat, Tirupati Solar Industry in Chennai, etc. - We sell our products to various Retail stores. - We are in talks with E-Commerce platforms such as Amazon & Flipkart. We are developing up our own portal as well.
6   Jaipur
Run Rate Sales
USD 28.6 thousand
33 %
Business Loan
USD 71 K at 10%
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Solar Products Company Seeking Loan in Bhubaneswar, India

Business manufacturing solar powered electric fences, having completed 10 projects with 2 more in pipeline.
A business manufacturing electric fencing systems, based in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. - We design, manufacture, install and provide service work for these electric fences. The electric fences are solar powered. - The fences are designed to keep wild animals and unwanted trespassers away from farm areas. - We get the products manufactured from a third party manufacturer. - Have completed 10 projects till date and have 2 more in pipeline. - All our projects have been for pharma producer companies. - Small projects that require fencing for an area of less than 2 km take less than 90 days to complete, while larger projects take between 120-150 days to complete. - Have received inquiries from state Government of Odisha, Jharkhand and forest departments. These projects are very large (Rs. 40-50 Crore), and can't be fulfilled with our current capacity. - We are looking to set up our own manufacturing unit in Bhubaneswar. - Owner has 7 years of experience working with renewable energy companies. - Physical assets include inventory and office setup.
5.7   Bhubaneswar
Run Rate Sales
USD 71 thousand
25 %
Business Loan
USD 180 K at 14%
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Solar Products Company Investment Opportunity in Hosur, India

Seeks Investment: Channel partner that sells solar products and receives 20-30 orders in a month.
Channel partner for Amplus Solar for residential subsidy projects in Bangalore, and a distributor of Deye and Adani, Navitas, Ameri, and Longi, panels, and Evolve energy projects. - We have served 35+ clients in the B2B sector. - We are a channel partner for 6+ companies. - The business receives 100% payment in advance before dispatch. - We receive around 20-30 orders in a month. - The average order value is INR 1L. - We have both local and International clients. - Have a very good distribution network throughout South India. - Sales of the business have considerably increased after signing as the channel partner for Adani. - The business hires part-time employees when required for dispatch. - The business is registered in Chennai but it is headquartered in Hosur.
5.9   Hosur
Run Rate Sales
USD 640 thousand
0 - 10 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 120 K for 50%
Contact Business

Solar PV Systems Company Investment Opportunity in Nashik, India

Solar EPC company providing service across Maharashtra is looking for equity capital for business expansion.
We are a solar EPC company providing engineering, consultancy, procurement, construction services across Maharashtra. - Our company is also recognized by the Government of India as a startup company. - To date, we have done 50+ projects and on average a project takes 3 to 4 months to be completed. Completed projects with a capacity of more than 500 KWP. - Procure the parts from 15+ vendors in Maharashtra. - We manufacture the MC4 connectors used in the installation of solar panels in our facility and have a production capacity of manufacturing 50,000 pieces per month. - Engaged in also maintaining and servicing the projects after installation and have reputed clients. - Majority of our revenue comes from the installation of projects. - We have built a 250 KW solar power plant on the BOT / OPEX Model which gives us a fixed income for the next 15 years. - We also have a research and development wing which is known as the center of excellence in renewable energy. In this we does various researches related to solar energy and published in the form of patents, copyrights, etc. - In this center of excellence we have different projects on which research is carried out.
Solar EPC company providing service across Maharashtra is looking for equity capital for business expansion.
7.2   Nashik
Run Rate Sales
USD 214 thousand
12 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 1.2 Mn for 10%
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    There are 21853 active and verified businesses for sale and investment opportunities listed on SMERGERS as of 08 September 2024.
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