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Coffee and Tea Business Seeking Loan in Lae, Papua New Guinea

Cooperative society exporting fair trade certified coffee to foreign markets.

Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 5 - 10
Legal Entity Other
Reported Sales USD 20 - 30 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 117 thousand
EBITDA Margin 20 - 30 %
Industries Coffee and Tea
Locations  Lae
Local Time 2:00 PM Pacific / Port Moresby
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Moderately Active
Overall Rating
Seeking Loan
USD 51 thousand for 25.0% annual interest, 5 years (Native Currency: PGK 200,000)
Reason: We are seeking a loan to help to fund logistics, freight, and purchasing coffee parchment.
Collateral Available: USD 10 thousand
Includes physical assets worth USD 202 thousand
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Business Overview
- The cooperative society works with 1185 farmers, emphasizing ethical and fair trade practices in the production and sale of coffee and cocoa beans.
- It is a 100% locally Morobean coffee growers-owned society.
- The business primarily focuses on selling coffee parchment and cocoa beans.
- The company has secured a niche in the market by exporting 10 to 20 containers of Fair Trade Certified coffee to Germany, Australia, and the UK under a Niugini Coffee, Tea & Spices Exporter License.
- The annual revenue generated by the business is PGK 800k, showcasing a steady financial performance.
- The business has a unique position in the market, with a focus on ethical and fair trade principles, and has the potential for further growth and expansion.
- We have all the necessary licenses and fair trade certifications to run including the coffee mill processing license and exporter license.
Products & Services Overview
The cooperative is into selling coffee parchment and cocoa beans.
With the pooled funds, we provide services like:
1. Paying school fees.
2. Housing scheme.
3. Foundation covers gender, environment, and other social services.
Assets Overview
Tangible assets include trucks, warehouses, coffee trees, and coffee mill processing machines.
Facilities Overview
The cooperative society is working on building a coffee mill that can help process green beans.
Capitalization Overview
There is no funding from non-government and government organizations.
The cooperative Society Ltd does group marketing and later pays the farmers.
Recent Activity
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