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Wire and Cable Investors in Champua

Showing 1 - 14 of 1779 Wire and Cable Investors in Champua. Buy or Sell your Wire and Cable Business.

  • Wires and Cables

  • Champua

Interests: I am intrested in a profitable running business with long term vision.
Background: I am from manufacturing and real estate ground.
8.7 / 10
Odisha + 8 more
Industrial + 25 more
Investment Size
USD 60 K - 120 K
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Interests: Businesses which are successfully running, earning good profit, ownership, future prospects, well established, well recognized, well-known brand, extendable, and well-managed security.
Background: Director of a private company and have good experience in Oil and Gas industry.
6.6 / 10
Odisha + 1 more
Industrial + 29 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 24 K
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Managing Director, Petrochemicals

Individual Buyer in Odisha, India

Interests: Open to any kind of profitable business.
Background: Proprietor of a Petrochemical business based out of Orissa.
7.1 / 10
Industrial + 28 more
Investment Size
USD 4.8 K - 24 K
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Managing Director, Petrochemicals

Individual Buyer in Odisha, India

Interests: Open to any kind of profitable business.
Background: Proprietor of a Petrochemical business based out of Orissa.
7.1 / 10
Industrial + 28 more
Investment Size
USD 4.8 K - 24 K
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Interests: Open to any profitable businesses.
Background: Have more than 10 years of work experience.
6.6 / 10
Odisha + 1 more
Industrial + 29 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 K - 12 K
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Director, Manufacturing

Individual Buyer in Odisha, India

Interests: Number of clients, annual turnover, and projection for next year.
Background: Individual investor, telecom background. Worked for Ericsson OS as an app developer.
6.6 / 10
Odisha + 1 more
Industrial + 28 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 36 K
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Interests: Looking to start my own business.
Background: Working professional with 5 years of experience.
5.8 / 10
Odisha + 1 more
Electrical Equipment + 14 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 24 K
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Interests: I am interested in receiving proposals from Elevator, Trading, Energy, Industrial, Finance, Healthcare, Technology, Building, Construction and Maintenance, Food & Beverage, Retail Shops, Education, Logistics, Media, Travel & Leisure, Textiles, Business Services businesses in Odisha
7.6 / 10
Industrial + 15 more
Investment Size
USD 60 K - 240 K
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Interests: Scalability, Volume, Customer Satisfaction Innovation, Systemization, Optimisation, Innovative mindset, Scalability expertise, Market Share Penetration.
Background: We are operating in sectors like Automobile, Home & Office Interiors, Building Materials and IT.
8.9 / 10
Electrical Equipment + 17 more
Investment Size
USD 120 K - 1.2 Mn
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Executive Assistant, Iron Ore Dealers

Individual Buyer in Cuttack, India

Interests: Looking to acquire or hold a majority investment stake in a small scale business. Should give good returns and have a viable business plan.
Background: Have been working in a family business since 2009.
7.1 / 10
Odisha + 4 more
Industrial + 21 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 60 K
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Interests: Open to any kind of business with growth potential.
Background: Have 12 years of experience in an IT firm.
6.6 / 10
Odisha + 1 more
Industrial + 28 more
Investment Size
USD 24 K - 60 K
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Interests: Any kind making profit to takup the bussiness.
Background: We have some surplus funds to divert our bussiness.
7.8 / 10
Industrial + 15 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 109 K
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Interests: FMCG, Industrial and manufacturing and textile industries.
Background: I am having 10 years of experience with well versed of team management and in the different sector.
6.6 / 10
Electrical Equipment + 15 more
Investment Size
USD 2.4 K - 24 K
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Head CSI, Steel Manufacturer

Individual Buyer in Bhubaneswar, India

Interests: Manufacturing sector, safety compliance, debt to equity ratio, supplier & customer relation. I am interested in the asset.
Background: I have more than 12 years of experience in steel manufacturing. Preferred locations are Souther or Eastern India as the location is not a criteria.
7.3 / 10
Odisha + 12 more
Industrial + 3 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 240 K
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Owner, Snacks Manufacturer

Franchise Investor in Barpali, India

Interests: I am interested in the distribution business in Odisha. I am looking for a business that is profitable and has good potential for growth.
Background: I am the owner of a snacks manufacturing company.
6.6 / 10
Industrial + 20 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 K - 1.8 K
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    There are 1779 active and verified wire and cable investors in Champua listed on SMERGERS as of 21 September 2024.
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