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Travel Agency Investment Opportunities in Delhi

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Travel Agency Investment Opportunities in Delhi. Invest in a Travel Agency.

  • Travel Agencies

  • Delhi

  • Investment Opportunities


Newly Established Travel Agency Investment Opportunity in Delhi, India

Delhi-based travel agency specializing in domestic tour packages, with 100+ bookings monthly.
Operating in Delhi, the travel agency specializes in organizing tour packages to popular destinations like Himachal and Manali and other domestic locations. - Primary source of income comes from selling tour packages, with an average of 100 plus bookings per month. - Besides tour packages, the agency also offers its own buses for private use. - Offering a variety of travel options, including luxury, adventure, customized, and group travel, catering to different customer preferences. - Currently, the agency focuses exclusively on road transport services and does not have IATA accreditation. - The agency hires part-time employees based on travel bookings. Currently, it employs three part-time workers, primarily as drivers. - Agency complies with all regulatory requirements and holds all necessary licenses.
5.8   Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 143 thousand
35 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 60 K for 10%
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Travel Agency Investment Opportunity in New Delhi, India

End to end IATO and ADTOI certified travel services for corporate and inbound clients.
We are a travel services firm that mainly targets corporate clients. - Initially we used to only provide hotel bookings but have since moved to provide entire customized holiday packages. - We are IATO and ADTOI certified and provide packages for all major domestic and international locations. - Our main clients are corporate clients for whom we provide end to end booking, especially for corporate offsite. - We have an internal online travel portal with travel agency API integration to help us book hotels and transport at the best possible rates. - At present we are temporarily closed but we plan to start up operations at previous capacity. - Prior to closing we had over 10 corporate clients on an annual contract with additional purchase orders. - Promoter has worked in the field of hospitality and travel since 2002.
7.2   New Delhi
Run Rate Sales
7 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 12 K for 25%
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Travel Agency Investment Opportunity in New Delhi, India

International travel packages provider having online capabilities to expand globally through associate office concept.
Our company provides inbound and outbound travel packages, online bookings and visa facilitation to Indian and international customers. - We have offices in international locations including Kazakhstan, USA, Switzerland, Canada and have 34 associate offices in India. - We are associated with more than 4,000 travel consultants who forward customer queries and our team provides most affordable travel packages to those customers. - Revenue generation is through services including travel booking, reservation services, and visa facilitation. Associate offices would be paid commission for their services. - We are looking to introduce an online platform so customers can directly access our services. This would also allow us to offer services at a global level. - Promoters are founders of multiple travel marketing ventures worldwide and have more than 22 years of experience in travel industry. - The business was shut down last year due to Covid. Now as the economy has re-opened our company has experienced a high growth rate.
7.5   New Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.43 million
0 - 10 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 180 K for 15%
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Travel Agency Investment Opportunity in New Delhi, India

International travel packages provider having online capabilities to expand globally through associate office concept.
Our company provides inbound and outbound travel packages, online bookings and visa facilitation to Indian and international customers. - We have offices in international locations including Kazakhstan, USA, Switzerland, Canada and have 34 associate offices in India. - We are associated with more than 4,000 travel consultants who forward customer queries and our team provides most affordable travel packages to those customers. - Revenue generation is through services including travel booking, reservation services, and visa facilitation. Associate offices would be paid commission for their services. - We are looking to introduce an online platform so customers can directly access our services. This would also allow us to offer services at a global level. - Promoters are founders of multiple travel marketing ventures worldwide and have more than 22 years of experience in travel industry. - The business was shut down last year due to Covid. Now as the economy has re-opened our company has experienced a high growth rate.
7.5   New Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.43 million
0 - 10 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 180 K for 15%
Contact Business

Education Support Company Investment Opportunity in Delhi, India

Education travel company having 80+ tie-ups arranging educational tours for students across popular international destinations.
We are an education travel company based out of Delhi. - Have tie ups with over 80 schools and institutes. - Popular destination: USA, Canada, Australia, Europe. - New tie ups are helping us increase sales significantly. - We were awarded as the best start ups in our industry. - We had recently arranged students tour at a Tesla facility. - Promoter has a strong industry experience of over 8 years.
6.6   Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 430 thousand
18 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 600 K for 49%
Contact Business

Travel Agency Investment Opportunity in Chandigarh, India

An online airline group booking consolidator platform, seeking funds to expand rapidly.
We are an airline group booking consolidator platform. - We serve to large tour operators, Travel Management Companies (TMCs, MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences / Convention, Exhibitions) agencies, managing their fixed departure and group travel program. - We are directly connected to major Airlines operators for bulk booking. - We are connected with names like Go Air, Spice Jet, Indigo, Jet Airways, Air Arabia etc. - We charge a 5% commission on the booking done by us. - We have successfully done 10,000 group booking in 2 years of operations. - We help groups make booking to all over the world and are not limited to any geographic location.
An online airline group booking consolidator platform, seeking funds to expand rapidly.
7.8   Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 830 thousand
5 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 120 K for 20%
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  • How many travel agency investment opportunities in Delhi are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 5 active and verified travel agency investment opportunities in Delhi listed on SMERGERS as of 16 September 2024.
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