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LPG Gas Agencies for Sale and Investment

Showing 1 - 14 of 15 LPG Gas Agencies for Sale and Investment. Buy or Invest in a LPG Gas Agency.
  • LPG Gas Agencies


Profitable LPG Gas Agency Seeking Loan in Cebu City, Philippines

Butane wholesalers with 50+ clients and 2+ suppliers seeks funds for expansion of business.
Company offers the lowest butane prices in the country, ensuring affordability for our customers. - We provide consignment-type packages to suit the varying needs of our clients. - The majority of people in the Philippines use butane burners, especially for cooking purposes. - We supply butane for burners to stores and partners across the Philippines. - Although we have a shop in the Philippines, we are well-known for exporting to local provinces, such as Masbate. - We have established B2B relationships with 50 stores, acting as reliable partners to retailers. - We work with two main suppliers to ensure consistent and high-quality butane products. - Our promoter brings five years of experience in the industry, ensuring expertise and insight into the market. - We have obtained the necessary business licenses, including a Mayor’s permit. - We employ contract workers to support our operations and meet customer demands.
Butane wholesalers with 50+ clients and 2+ suppliers seeks funds for expansion of business.
7.8   Cebu City
Run Rate Sales
USD 410 thousand
10 %
Business Loan
USD 86 K at 10%
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Newly Established LPG Gas Agency Investment Opportunity in Leon, Mexico

Oil and gas corporation subsidiary seeks investment to launch LPG distribution operations in central Mexico.
The business's parent company is an oil & gas corporation. - The corporation has an average monthly sales of USD 3 million and yearly reported sales of USD 35 million with an operating margin of 10%. - The corporation, along with its subsidiaries, has a widespread presence, operating in 10 states of Mexico, which accounts for approximately one-third of the country. - The business caters to a significant customer base, serving over 100,000 + customers, including residential, commercial, and industrial customers, as well as establishments such as hotels and restaurants. * The proposed expansion is for a subsidiary company that will be a distributor of LPG cylinders in the downstream area of the Mexican market. - The company has expressed its intention to expand operations into central Mexico, targeting both residential and industrial customers, with plans to establish a subsidiary company from the ground up. - The proposed expansion presents an exciting investment opportunity in the thriving oil & gas storage and transportation industry within Mexico. - The business is duly certified, possessing all necessary certifications and licenses.
7.1   Leon
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 1 Mn for 35%
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LPG Gas Agency for Sale in Madurai, India

Madurai-based LPG gas agency specializing in bottling, storing, and retailing of LPG gas for sale.
The business is a Madurai-based LPG gas agency specializing in the bottling, storing, and retailing of LPG gas. - The company serves up to 100 clients with 17 Kg capacity commercial cylinders accommodating various businesses such as hotels, restaurants, bakeries, catering agencies, canteens, sweet shops, marriage halls, clubs, hatcheries, and industrial fabricators. - The company supplies cylinders to wholesalers and has approximately 7 clients to whom they sell 300 to 400 cylinders per month. This recent addition of 4 new clients has contributed to the business's growth. - The company also provides 12 Kg capacity cylinders for domestic use. - The unit holds explosive licenses for the storage of LPG in a Pressure Vessel, for the filling of LPG in cylinders, and for storage in filled cylinders. - The business is duly compliant with all regulatory approvals and licenses.
Madurai-based LPG gas agency specializing in bottling, storing, and retailing of LPG gas for sale.
6   Madurai
Run Rate Sales
USD 277 thousand
5 %
Business for Sale
USD 346 K
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LPG Gas Agency for Sale in Madurai, India

Madurai-based LPG gas agency specializing in bottling, storing, and retailing of LPG gas for sale.
The business is a Madurai-based LPG gas agency specializing in the bottling, storing, and retailing of LPG gas. - The company serves up to 100 clients with 17 Kg capacity commercial cylinders accommodating various businesses such as hotels, restaurants, bakeries, catering agencies, canteens, sweet shops, marriage halls, clubs, hatcheries, and industrial fabricators. - The company supplies cylinders to wholesalers and has approximately 7 clients to whom they sell 300 to 400 cylinders per month. This recent addition of 4 new clients has contributed to the business's growth. - The company also provides 12 Kg capacity cylinders for domestic use. - The unit holds explosive licenses for the storage of LPG in a Pressure Vessel, for the filling of LPG in cylinders, and for storage in filled cylinders. - The business is duly compliant with all regulatory approvals and licenses.
Madurai-based LPG gas agency specializing in bottling, storing, and retailing of LPG gas for sale.
6   Madurai
Run Rate Sales
USD 277 thousand
5 %
Business for Sale
USD 346 K
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LPG Gas Agency for Sale in Jammu, India

For Sale: Government PSU LPG distributor with 18k+ active customers in Akhnoor (Jammu).
Business that has been the sole LPG distributor of a renowned Govt PSU in the entire Akhnoor Tehsil of Jammu District for the last 6 years. - The business has a customer base of 18,000 plus active customers which can be easily converted for any other business line along with this business. - Fully licensed LPG Godown building will all regulatory clearances of Govt and a leased functional showroom as per the company's specifications. - The business has shown the highest growth rate as compared to any other distributorship in the entire Jammu region. - Total market value of physical assets is around INR 2.8 to 3 Cr. - Business has clearance from the explosive department. - We hire staff on contract based on the work.
7.6   Jammu
Run Rate Sales
USD 970 thousand
10 %
Business for Sale
USD 520 K
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Profitable LPG Gas Agency Seeking Loan in Bandung, Indonesia

Seeking Funds: Distributor of compressed natural gas (CNG) for 16 SME clients.
We are the one and only company that provide CNG single cylinder in the West Java area and now, we have 16 customers in West Java area. We have sold about 1,800 cylinders per month and have taken natural gas of about 22,000 m3/month from Pertamina Gas Negara for the last 3 years. We are supported by Pertamina and PGN for providing Compressed Natural Gas in Indonesia and also we are supported by experts on CNG Management. We still have a lot of markets to manage, but the availability of funds become an obstacle at this time. Our clients are industries such as smelting, manufacturing, and mining industries. Business has tied up with a CNG gas company to supply cylinders. Company has all the required permissions in place for the operations.
6.2   Bandung
Run Rate Sales
USD 330 thousand
40 %
Business Loan
USD 610 K at 9%
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Profitable LPG Gas Agency for Sale in Banga, India

For Sale: Indane gas LPG distributor having 22k+ active customers based in Banga.
Business that has been a distributor for Indane gas for the last 4 decades. - The business has 22,163 active customers to date. - We have 3 delivery vehicles and do around 480 deliveries per day. - The business is the sole distributor of Indane gas to 50+ villages surrounding Banga. - Cost of a refill of 1 cylinder is INR 1,132 and on average we refill 12,700 cylinders per month.
For Sale: Indane gas LPG distributor having 22k+ active customers based in Banga.
7.1   Banga
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.84 million
10 - 20 %
Business for Sale
USD 460 K
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LPG Gas Agency Investment Opportunity in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Seeking an investor to expand an established LPG Gas Agency business in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Employs 20 people and has more than 100 existing end customers. - Offers retail and wholesale of LPG cylinders, LPG engineering/system set up, and LPG refilling. - Revenue is generated from factories, restaurants, and housing complexes with each customer type contributing almost equally. - Factories are high volume but low margin, and households are low volume and high margin. - Owns a brand of gas and a terminal for LPG cylinders. - After and during Covid LPG consumption has drastically dropped across all sectors.
Seeking an investor to expand an established LPG Gas Agency business in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
6.8   Phnom Penh
Run Rate Sales
USD 600 thousand
10 - 20 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 2 Mn for 50%
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Pulp & Paper Wholesale Business Seeking Loan in Thimphu, Bhutan

Gas delivery and paper wholesale business that has 500+ clients combined seeks a loan.
We have more than 2 years of experience in the field of stationary and paper supply and 4+ years of experience in gas delivery. - The business has more than 500 clients for gas and printing houses. - The gas delivery is for retail customers and we have 300+ clients for the same. - For paper supply, we have 200+ clients including schools, govt offices, and other companies for office stationery and printing. - Perform around 50 gas deliveries daily. - We sell 8k-9k rims of paper which are 800-900 cartons. - The business hires part-time employees for its day-to-day activities. - We only sell paper and stationery to wholesale companies. - The business has a government tender in hand for paper supply. - We procure petrol from petroleum stations and have authorized licenses for retail delivery.
Gas delivery and paper wholesale business that has 500+ clients combined seeks a loan.
6.8   Thimphu
Run Rate Sales
USD 139 thousand
10 - 20 %
Business Loan
USD 58 K at 14%
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LPG Gas Agency Distributor Opportunity

SHIVGAS, 53 Distributors, Est'd in 1989, Kolkata HQ
  • 1000+ Page Views
  • 500+ Investor Views
With a wealth of 30 years of experience in the LPG industry, Shivgas has stood out to be one of the best private LPG gas companies in India. We ensure to provide unmatched services and innovative solutions as per the needs of our customers. LPG being a clean fuel that burns with a blue smokeless flame ensures sustainable operation in the industrial, commercial, and domestic sectors. At Shivgas, we provide energy solutions to our customers for a better, safer, and cleaner tomorrow. To increase our distribution network, we provide LPG gas agency dealerships. We are one of the Indian leading private LPG bottling companies. We are supplying 17 kg, 21 kg & 33 kg LPG cylinders.
SHIVGAS, 53 Distributors, Est'd in 1989, Kolkata HQ
6.8   Expanding in Bihar
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 2.3 thousand
Space Required
100 - 150 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 11.5 - 58 K
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LPG Gas Agency Investment Opportunity in Guwahati, India

LPG bottling company with 50m tonnes storage plant seek investment to expand operations.
The company is into the storage and bottling of LPG. We have NOC and a licence for storage and filling. We buy LPG from the Haldia refinery (Indian oil corporation, Kolkatta). We buy 200-250 metric tonnes of LPG every month and then pass the LPG into cylinders. We also have our own LPG cylinder brand and are associated with 80+ distributors. We have 1 lakh+ registered customers. We are primarily operating in the northeast region but our entity is registered in Ghaziabad. We started our business last year and are not making any profits but operating at break even. Our customer base has increased comparatively.
LPG bottling company with 50m tonnes storage plant seek investment to expand operations.
6.3   Guwahati
Run Rate Sales
USD 277 thousand
Partial Stake Sale
USD 2.3 Mn for 25%
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LPG Gas Agency Dealership Opportunity

Hind Gas, 15 Dealers, Est'd in 2018, Pune HQ
  • 2000+ Page Views
  • 900+ Investor Views
Hind Gas a part of Radiance LPG Petrochem Pvt Ltd is an LPG cylinder filling and PNG pipeline providing business. We provide commercial and industrial cylinders weighing 17, 21, and 33 Kgs to industries and hotels, and PNG pipelines for societies and hotels. Our products are sold through 6-7 agencies. We help the agencies to get insurance and get PESO certification. Have two plants where the cylinders are filled. The sales and EBITDA margin provided are for the starting stage, once the dealership is fully set up, the sales and profit margin will increase.
Hind Gas, 15 Dealers, Est'd in 2018, Pune HQ
7.5   Expanding in Aurangabad
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 580
Space Required
1500 - 2000 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 5.8 - 11.5 K
Contact Company

LPG Gas Agency Investment Opportunity in Lagos, Nigeria

Company providing on-demand last-mile LPG delivery to customers via an online LPG marketplace seeks investment.
1,200 onboarded users, we gained these users with the help of influencer marketing, pay per click ads, out of homes ads and social media marketing. - 900 LPG delivery processed to customers' doorsteps. - We have a fleet of 10 delivery bikes to complete on-demand orders. - 10% monthly growth rate. - $5,000 monthly revenue. - $114,000 in total generated revenue. - Revenue model is based on commissions on each processed delivery. - We do not have any outstanding bank loans or debt.
Company providing on-demand last-mile LPG delivery to customers via an online LPG marketplace seeks investment.
8.7   Lagos
Run Rate Sales
USD 5.4 thousand
30 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 3.24 Mn for 7%
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Profitable LPG Gas Agency for Sale in Ernakulam, India

For Sale: Well-established and operational LPG distributorship with a high operating margin and owned land.
LPG distributorship with 30 cents land in Kochi, Kerala. - 40 years old distributorship of a govt. PSU. - Fully licensed godown building and roadside 30 cents land in Kochi, Kerala. - 26,000 customer base which can be easily converted for any other business line along with this business. - No daily physical presence is required to run the business as it can be managed online from anywhere.
8.6   Ernakulam
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.94 million
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 1.27 Mn
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Profitable LPG Gas Agency Investment Opportunity in Bangkok, Thailand

PTT LPG cylinder distributor, supplying to end users and small business houses.
Distributor of LPG cylinders. - We supply to 20+ hotel chains based in Thailand. - Also supplies to 500+ home individuals. - The contract is valid permanently. - We have 2 bikes and a big pick up van for delivery purpose. - Promoter has 15 years of industry experience.
6.8   Bangkok
Run Rate Sales
USD 180 thousand
20 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 450 K for 51%
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  • How many lpg gas agencies for sale and investment are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 15 active and verified lpg gas agencies for sale and investment listed on SMERGERS as of 05 February 2025.
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