Owner, Hardware Products Trading, Individual Buyer, Patan, Nepal
Individual Buyer in Patan Looking to Buyout Electrical Equipment Businesses Upto NPR 50 lakh
Name, Phone, EmailAvailable after connect
CompanyAvailable after connect
Professional Summary
I am the owner of a hardware products trading company. I am seeking lucrative investment opportunities to diversify my portfolio and add value to my business.
Transaction Preference
Investment SizeUpto 36 thousand USD
Investment Criteria
I am interested in investing in profitable and growing businesses, particularly those involved in electric equipment wholesale, electrical components, and electrical equipment based in Patan.
Overall Rating
Local Time3:31 AM (Asia / Kathmandu)
Sector Preference
Location Preference
Recent Activity
Connected with 1 business
Received 3 proposals
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from Company with a new-age alcoholic beverage portfolio that caters to the new Indian, millennial audience.
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from Delhi-based healthy pet nutrition products and accessories company requires an investment for global growth.
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from Sustainability-driven business in footwear retail with MNC clients seeking investment to build a brand.