Manager, Aerospace Manufacturer, Individual Buyer, Bangalore, India
Individual Buyer in Bangalore Looking to Buyout Employment Service Businesses Upto INR 30 lakh
Name, Phone, EmailAvailable after connect
CompanyAvailable after connect
Professional Summary
I am a manufacturing industry professional with 16 years of experience and a strong network within Asia.
Transaction Preference
Investment SizeBetween 23.4 thousand - 35 thousand USD
Investment Criteria
Business must be generating a profit margin of 15-20%. I will look at business growth prospects, technology adoption and flexibility of work. I have worked for 9 years in Thailand and able to speak the Thai language. So, keen on starting a recruitment firm in Thailand.
Overall Rating
Local Time2:44 AM (Asia / Kolkata)
StatusModerately Active
Sector Preference
Location Preference
Recent Activity
Connected with 9 businesses
Received 10 proposals
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from Successful coffee shop offering high-quality cannabis and coffee, with a diverse menu for sale.
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from For sale: Restaurant selling very high-quality American fast food located in Thailand.
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from For Sale: Restaurant bar with bakery room receiving mostly German and Thai customers.
Employment Service Investor
·Food & Beverage Investor
·Investor in Bangalore
·Investor in Karnataka
·Investor in Bengaluru
·5 Star Hotel Investor
·3 Star Hotel Investor
·4 Star Hotel Investor
·Investor in India
·F & B Investor
·Hotel Investor
·Lodge Investor
·Motel Investor
·Food Investor
·RPO Investor