Founding Mentor, Financial Advisor, India
Advisor in India Seeking Financial and Education Businesses Upto INR 20 crore
Name, Phone, EmailAvailable after connect
CompanyAvailable after connect
Professional Summary
Financial Modelling, Strategic Consulting and Capital Raising in the Media, IT, Education, Technology and Convergence Space.
Transaction Preference
Investment SizeBetween 232 thousand - 2.32 million USD
Investment Criteria
The expansion and return prospects that the business. Promoter profile and abilities is given maximum weightage.
Overall Rating
Local Time9:45 PM (Asia / Kolkata)
StatusModerately Active
Sector Preference
Location Preference
Recent Activity
Received 10+ proposals
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from Everyday D2C consumer electronics brand focussed on the daily home essentials landscape.
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from Aspirant ERP software company in the education field seeking funds to scale up globally.
Earlier than 15 daysReceived a proposal from For Sale: 35 bedded hospital built on 18,000 Sq Ft land with 3 residential apartments.
Educational Investment Advisory Firms
·Education Investment Advisory Firms
·Financial Investment Advisory Firms
·Investment Advisory Firms in India
·Finance Investment Advisory Firms
·Edutech Investment Advisory Firms
·Educational Business Broker
·Education Business Broker
·Financial Business Broker
·Business Broker in India
·Educational M&A Advisor
·Finance Business Broker
·Edutech Business Broker
·Education M&A Advisor
·Financial M&A Advisor