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Home Healthcare Businesses for Sale and Investment Opportunities in Noida

Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Home Healthcare Businesses for Sale and Investment Opportunities in Noida. Buy or Invest in a Home Healthcare Business.

  • Home Healthcare

  • Noida


Home Healthcare Franchise Opportunity

Ayursh, Established in 2021, 1 Franchisee, Bangalore Headquartered
  • 500+ Page Views
  • 300+ Investor Views
Ayursh is an online therapy booking platform for patients to book age-old Ayurvedic Treatments and Physiotherapies with the help of modern technology. Patients can book home care therapy appointments Online through our Websites and Mobile apps (Android and iOS) and avail pain relief, relaxation therapies at their doorstep. Patients can avail of these multi sessions/multiple weeks of treatments and therapies in the comfort of their homes. We have a team of certified and trained Ayurvedic panchakarma therapists from Kerala, Physiotherapists, Acupuncture Therapists and Yoga Therapists who would visit patients' homes daily and provide therapies for multiple weeks to months. Ayursh Clinos is our technology platform that provides therapy bookings from patients to nearby Clinics/Doctors and Therapist partners globally. Clinos is a unified product by which multiple players Like doctors, healthcare service providers, therapists and patients are all brought under one ecosystem and they can coordinate, plan, guide, execute and monitor day-to-day therapies seamlessly. We are able to generate sales of INR 5-8 lakhs as we cater to 50+ patients enquiries daily in Bangalore alone and perform 20+ therapies daily at patient home with average treatment cost of 2500/- per patient per day.
Ayursh, Established in 2021, 1 Franchisee, Bangalore Headquartered
7.7   Expanding in Noida
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 4.8 thousand
Space Required
750 - 1000 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 12 - 18 K
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Home Healthcare Franchise Opportunity

Ayursh, Established in 2021, 1 Franchisee, Bangalore Headquartered
  • 500+ Page Views
  • 300+ Investor Views
Ayursh is an online therapy booking platform for patients to book age-old Ayurvedic Treatments and Physiotherapies with the help of modern technology. Patients can book home care therapy appointments Online through our Websites and Mobile apps (Android and iOS) and avail pain relief, relaxation therapies at their doorstep. Patients can avail of these multi sessions/multiple weeks of treatments and therapies in the comfort of their homes. We have a team of certified and trained Ayurvedic panchakarma therapists from Kerala, Physiotherapists, Acupuncture Therapists and Yoga Therapists who would visit patients' homes daily and provide therapies for multiple weeks to months. Ayursh Clinos is our technology platform that provides therapy bookings from patients to nearby Clinics/Doctors and Therapist partners globally. Clinos is a unified product by which multiple players Like doctors, healthcare service providers, therapists and patients are all brought under one ecosystem and they can coordinate, plan, guide, execute and monitor day-to-day therapies seamlessly. We are able to generate sales of INR 5-8 lakhs as we cater to 50+ patients enquiries daily in Bangalore alone and perform 20+ therapies daily at patient home with average treatment cost of 2500/- per patient per day.
Ayursh, Established in 2021, 1 Franchisee, Bangalore Headquartered
7.7   Expanding in Noida
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 4.8 thousand
Space Required
750 - 1000 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 12 - 18 K
Contact Company
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