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Cake Square 7.8 /10

2012 Estd  ·  24 Franchisees  ·  Chennai HQ
This Company is on a Premium Plan
All Formats
Format Investment including Brand Fee Brand Fee Space Staff Exp. Monthly Sales Profit Margin Royalty
Master Franchise / Area Development Franchise USD 41 - 70 thousand USD 5.8 thousand 2,000 - 2,400 Sq Ft 20 USD 17.4 thousand 18% 8% of the net revenue to be paid as royalty
Format Name Master Franchise / Area Development Franchise
Investment USD 41 - 70 thousand
Brand Fee USD 5.8 thousand
Space 2,000 - 2,400 Sq Ft
Staff 20
Expected Monthly Sales USD 17.4 thousand
Profit Margin 18%
Royalty / Commission 8% of the net revenue to be paid as royalty
About Cake Square
A pioneer in the online & cake shop retailing with associated home delivery services in Chennai, we cater for all occasions and events like weddings, birthday parties, engagement parties, and anniversaries. Cake Square Chennai brings a rich culinary experience to the subtle art of baking and cake making. Using traditional techniques and the best ingredients, we offer cakes in a delicious variety of flavors. Exceptional customer service complements our baking excellence and we go the extra mile in undertaking 'midnight cake delivery' and 'doorstep delivery' for every special occasion.
Our specialty is in the area of customized theme cakes and themed cupcakes. We boast ourselves as one of the only ones to customize designer cakes as per customers wish. Our uniqueness comes from the vast range of designs that meet international standards & quality.
Our USP is in delivering customized designer Fondant Cakes. We bake cakes for a range of occasions from birthdays to extravaganza weddings, to serve 2 people to 2,000 people while still maintaining our personal touch & creativity.
We have a retail presence of 23 outlets across Chennai which are fully owned by the company and are all operationally profitable. We make an average annual turnover of more than INR 14 Cr. We also accept orders over the internet and through mobile applications. We intend to be a national cake brand and build up a physical presence across 25 cities by 2020. We are looking for franchise partners who will be master franchises for their target geography.
Products and Services
Designer Cakes, Celebration Cakes, Desserts, Breads & Bakes, Savories, Cookies, Munchies.
Preferred Locations
Bangalore, Coimbatore, Mysore, Madurai, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Tiruppur, Telangana, Trichy, Salem, Erode.
How to get Cake Square Franchise?
Connect with us over SMERGERS and we will guide you through the process.
What are some of the things we look for in a Franchisee?
The Master Franchisee will have the rights to develop and own an exclusive area development territory. They would have to set up a centralized production unit which can cater to a minimum of 10 branches and also open 2 branches on their own. In addition to this the master franchisee would have to establish a unit franchise network in the territory by sub Franchising. The master franchise must offer support as required to the sub-franchises in their assigned geography.
Support you can expect from the company
We will offer comprehensive support including site evaluation, facility setup and design and marketing. We would prefer a FOCO model where we can also take care of the entire operational aspect.
Recent Activity
Profile Stats
  • 20+ introductions
  • 8000+ Page Views
  • 3000+ Investor Views

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    • When was Cake Square established?
      Cake Square was established in 2012 in Chennai and is reported to have 24 Franchisees currently
    • What is the investment required to take up Cake Square Franchisee?
      Investment required ranges from INR 35 lakh - 60 lakh depending on the format offered.
    • What is the space requirement for taking up Cake Square Franchisee?
      Space required ranges from 2000 - 2400 sq ft depending on the format.
    • What Franchisee formats does Cake Square offer?
      Cake Square offers 1 format, i.e Master Franchise / Area Development Franchise.
    • How to get Cake Square Franchisee?
      Connect with us over SMERGERS and we will guide you through the process.
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