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Franchise Buyers in Illinois

Showing 1 - 14 of 111 Franchise Buyers in Illinois. Franchise your Business in Illinois.

  • Illinois

  • Franchise Buyers

  • partner, resturant

Partner, Supply Chain Officer

Individual Buyer in Chennai, India

Interests: Professional services and trade that yield EBITA > 25%
Background: Mechanical Engineering with an MBA looking for profitable business in Chennai.
6.3 / 10
Chicago + 8 more
Air Logistics + 28 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 120 K
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Interests: Businesses with EMR, EHR, Medical Records, Software as a Service and Cloud based.
Background: We manage an investment fund based in New York focused on technology.
6.6 / 10
United States + 3 more
Animation + 6 more
Investment Size
USD 1 Mn - 6 Mn
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Managing Partner, Szymon Zephan Capital

Financial Consultant in Toronto, Canada

Interests: Looking for a sound management team, stable revenues and cash flows, asset rich businesses and strong EBITDA. We typically do not like cyclical businesses.
Background: Toronto based advisory business. We raise debt and / or equity for businesses and also raise funds for acquisitions. My client is an oil and gas producer in Calgary looking to diversify operations. They have small cash flows but high assets.
6 / 10
United States + 2 more
Ecommerce Websites + 17 more
Investment Size
USD 7.5 Mn - 75 Mn
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Managing Partner, Szymon Zephan Capital

Financial Consultant in Toronto, Canada

Interests: Looking for a sound management team, stable revenues and cash flows, asset rich businesses and strong EBITDA. We typically do not like cyclical businesses.
Background: Toronto based advisory business. We raise debt and / or equity for businesses and also raise funds for acquisitions. My client is an oil and gas producer in Calgary looking to diversify operations. They have small cash flows but high assets.
6 / 10
United States + 2 more
Ecommerce Websites + 17 more
Investment Size
USD 7.5 Mn - 75 Mn
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Interests: Looking for food industry businesses. Would like to know the market position, operational costs, culture, competition, value creation and technology integration.
Background: I am seeking opportunities in food industry in the US for expansion.
6.8 / 10
United States + 5 more
Aquaculture + 11 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 70 K
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Interests: I am interested in starting or purchasing a food business especially a sauce business. Business with good ROI and stability.
Background: I am an individual investor. I own a law firm with more than 6 years of experience. Seeking opportunities in the US for diversification.
7.3 / 10
United States + 1 more
Food Ingredients + 2 more
Investment Size
USD 70 K - 500 K
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Partner, Landscaping Services

Individual Buyer in Naples, United States

Interests: Looking for a profitable business with high revenue growth in the US and Europe for diversification.
Background: I have 30+ years of business experience. Just sold my last business.
6.8 / 10
United States + 1 more
Agricultural Chemicals Wholesale + 43 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.5 Mn
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Managing Partner, Information Technology & Services

Individual Buyer in Toronto, Canada

Interests: - I am looking to acquire or invest in fintech companies. - The company's future prospects should be promising. - I intend to be an active investor in the business.
Background: I have several years of experience in the IT sector. Now I am looking to invest in fintech companies. I am looking for the opportunity to invest in.
6.6 / 10
United States + 2 more
FinTech + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 63 K
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Interests: Business Model, Management Profile, Current Debt, Revenue Growth, Profitability, Valuation Attractiveness, Brand Name, Term Sheet, Exit Strategy, Management Consulting, Business Advisory, etc.
Background: Seasoned professionals with over 60 years combined experience in IT, ITES, Retail, Management, Advisory, Staffing, Software verticals.
6.3 / 10
United States + 4 more
Consulting + 15 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 K - 12 Mn
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Interests: We invest or We help to sell or acquire business with vision, future profitability, new ideas, new ventures, new technology, companies which are into crisis and need helping hand or JV partners or temporary funding etc.
Background: We are a business consulting and advisory firm, specializing in risk management, turnaround strategies and scaling-up family managed businesses. The company caters to clients across industries and business environments within India, Dubai and USA.
8.4 / 10
United States + 31 more
Alternative Medicine Facilities + 45 more
Investment Size
USD 6 K - 24 Mn
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Interests: - Books of account needs to be properly maintained. - Preference to partner's credentials in a firm. - Focusing on IT and Media. - I am actively looking for an opportunity for my brother.
Background: I run two companies, one in the US and one in India. My Indian business is taken care by my brother who is an MBA graduate. I am an investor based in the US.
6.6 / 10
United States + 2 more
Application Software + 6 more
Investment Size
USD 6 K - 60 K
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Partner, Construction And Building Materials

Corporate Acquirer in Vadodara, India

Interests: Medium sized businesses in good emerging markets. Open to investing overseas in new technologies and newer markets. We want to have a local presence outside India.
Background: Trading company established in 1926 based in three cities in Western India dealing in building materials and equipment and real estate. We also have a sister concern registered in Sydney, Australia.
8 / 10
North America + 9 more
Biomass Fuels + 13 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.4 Mn
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Interests: We are trying to get into a wholesale business. Based in the US and have a lot of business opportunities in Africa.
Background: We are a supplier of drugs and medical devices. We are present in 3 different locations in the US.
6.3 / 10
United States
Pharmaceuticals + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 40 K
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Partner, Jewellery Showroom

Individual Buyer in Chennai, India

Interests: Ethical business with sound positioning of its brand.
Background: Associated with a well-know jewellery shop over the past 20 years in Chennai. Want to start another business in Europe and America.
6.6 / 10
United States + 1 more
Investment Size
USD 600 - 240 K
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Partner, Finance Services

Corporate Acquirer in Markham, Canada

Interests: Business with good values, earnings, and goodwill. Seeking to acquire a technology related business in Canada and the US for expansion.
Background: We are an accounting firm with experienced CPAs. We offer taxation, accounting, auditing, valuation and transaction advisory services.
6.9 / 10
United States + 2 more
Cloud Software + 3 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 300 K
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