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Food Ingredients Businesses Seeking Loan in Pune

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Food Ingredients Businesses Seeking Loan in Pune. Lend to a Food Ingredient Business.

  • Food Ingredients

  • Pune

  • Business Loan


Food Ingredients Company Seeking Loan in Pune, India

Start-up company in Pune that sells iodised salt and quality sago seek loan for expansion.
Start-up business that operates out of a rented office in Pune. - We sell iodised salt and premium quality sago under our own brand name. - Products are manufactured by 2 OEMs in Pune. - Planning to also sell other food products such as poha, pulses and food products. - We sell the products to over 500 retail stores in and around Pune. - Promoters are from the same industry and each of them have in-depth knowledge to run this business. - Physical assets include furniture and computers.
Start-up company in Pune that sells iodised salt and quality sago seek loan for expansion.
6.8   Pune
Run Rate Sales
USD 141 thousand
20 %
Business Loan
USD 118 K at 10%
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Alternative Medicine Company Seeking Loan in Pune, India

Company planning to manufacture essential oils, seeking funds to start commercial production.
We plan to manufacture essential oil extracts, which is used as a raw material in food processing industry. - Produce extracts from saffron, ginger, spices and resin. Have 5 local clients who use our products in small quantities. - Currently in the pilot phase of production, manufacturing 30 litres per month. Target is 50 litres per month once we set up commercial production. Total targeted / proposed sales, production is 18 tons. - Founder has a decade of industry experience and is looking to introduce institutional marketing, bulk sales with technical support and customized products.
8.1   Pune
Run Rate Sales
USD 21 thousand
20 %
Business Loan
USD 106 K at 14%
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Alternative Medicine Company Seeking Loan in Pune, India

Company planning to manufacture essential oils, seeking funds to start commercial production.
We plan to manufacture essential oil extracts, which is used as a raw material in food processing industry. - Produce extracts from saffron, ginger, spices and resin. Have 5 local clients who use our products in small quantities. - Currently in the pilot phase of production, manufacturing 30 litres per month. Target is 50 litres per month once we set up commercial production. Total targeted / proposed sales, production is 18 tons. - Founder has a decade of industry experience and is looking to introduce institutional marketing, bulk sales with technical support and customized products.
8.1   Pune
Run Rate Sales
USD 21 thousand
20 %
Business Loan
USD 106 K at 14%
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  • How many food ingredients businesses seeking loan in Pune are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 2 active and verified food ingredients businesses seeking loan in Pune listed on SMERGERS as of 16 December 2024.
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