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Fashion Institute Franchise Opportunities in Kalaburagi

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Fashion Institute Franchise Opportunities in Kalaburagi. Buy a Fashion Institute, Fashion Academy or a Modelling Agency Franchise.

  • Fashion Institutes

  • Kalaburagi

  • Franchise Opportunities


Fashion Institute Franchise Opportunity

Zuri Beauty Academy, Established in 2014, 6 Franchisees, Chandigarh Headquartered
  • 700+ Page Views
  • 200+ Investor Views
At Zuri Beauty Academy, we believe in the power of practical experience. Our courses are meticulously designed to prioritize hands-on training, allowing our students to gain real-world skills under the guidance of highly educated and experienced trainers. This emphasis on practical knowledge ensures that our graduates are Job-Ready and capable of meeting the global standards and requirements of the industry. Get a beauty franchise and start your own business with Zuri, a beauty and wellness franchise can be an excellent option to launch your own business while using the brand of someone else. Offers beauty and wellness academy franchises in India. We offer low investment, good ROI, brand benefit, and remarkable franchise support.
Zuri Beauty Academy, Established in 2014, 6 Franchisees, Chandigarh Headquartered
6   Expanding in Karnataka
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 12 thousand
Space Required
1200 - 1500 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 24 - 30 K
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Fashion Institute Franchise Opportunity

Indian Institute Of Fashion & Design - IIFD, Established in 2015, 2 Franchisees, Chandigarh Headquartered
  • 700+ Page Views
  • 300+ Investor Views
Indian Institute Of Fashion & Design is a well-established design college providing quality education in the field of fashion, interior, and textiles. - Currently, we have 2 institutes and are looking to expand our operations. - The institutes are established in Chandigarh and Mohali and have an area of 28,000 sq ft and 4,000 sq ft. - 800+ students have already passed out from our institute. - Even though we have been operational for a long time, our institute was re-branded in 2015. - We are a place where creativity and career merge. We’re hands-on and industry-focused. We’re small enough to know our students' names but big enough to have the industry contacts and resources to help them meet their goals. - IIFD prepares students for professional excellence in design and business through rigorous and adaptable academic programs, experiential learning, and innovative partnerships.
Indian Institute Of Fashion & Design - IIFD, Established in 2015, 2 Franchisees, Chandigarh Headquartered
8.1   Expanding in India
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 10.7 thousand
Space Required
4000 - 10000 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 42 - 119 K
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Fashion Institute Franchise Opportunity

AFTS (Academy Of Fashion Technology & Skills), Established in 2015, 3 Franchisees, Hisar Headquartered
  • 400+ Page Views
  • 100+ Investor Views
AFTS is one of the fastest growing fashion design institutes in the region run by renowned educationalists and freelance designers in the field of fashion and textile industry. AFTS has trained thousands of students, professionals, and entrepreneurs for the fashion, textile, interior, and retail sectors.
AFTS (Academy Of Fashion Technology & Skills), Established in 2015, 3 Franchisees, Hisar Headquartered
6.8   Expanding in India
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 6 thousand
Space Required
1000 - 1500 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 6 - 18 K
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Fashion Institute Franchise Opportunity

AFTS (Academy Of Fashion Technology & Skills), Established in 2015, 3 Franchisees, Hisar Headquartered
  • 400+ Page Views
  • 100+ Investor Views
AFTS is one of the fastest growing fashion design institutes in the region run by renowned educationalists and freelance designers in the field of fashion and textile industry. AFTS has trained thousands of students, professionals, and entrepreneurs for the fashion, textile, interior, and retail sectors.
AFTS (Academy Of Fashion Technology & Skills), Established in 2015, 3 Franchisees, Hisar Headquartered
6.8   Expanding in India
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 6 thousand
Space Required
1000 - 1500 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 6 - 18 K
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Fashion Institute Franchise Opportunity

International School Of Trends, Established in 2020, 1 Franchisee, Nagpur Headquartered
  • 500+ Page Views
  • 200+ Investor Views
ISOT is a 360º educational organisation that prides itself on not only being a leading institute, but also a compelling one. ISOT was established with the view to garner all walks of life essential to a civilized society via comprehensive learning. We offer courses is interior design, fashion design, and architecture. Education is a source of pride we understand and thereby deliver to our highest potential. Therefore, our specially curated courses develop the individual’s career path without losing their individuality.
International School Of Trends, Established in 2020, 1 Franchisee, Nagpur Headquartered
7.1   Expanding in India
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 6 thousand
Space Required
1800 - 2500 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 18 - 24 K
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Fashion Institute Franchise Opportunity

Institute Of Design, Established in 1993, 7 Franchisees, Chennai Headquartered
  • 2000+ Page Views
  • 1000+ Investor Views
Institute of Design is a premier ISO 9001:2008 certified arts and design institution in Chennai. Since our establishment in 1993 we have had more than 15,000 graduates and have trained more than 5,000 students off-campus. We offer diploma courses in fashion design, fine arts and visual design. Our student community includes students from all over India and several foreign countries like Maldives, Netherlands, Thailand, Korea, South Africa, Australia and the Middle East. Currently, we wish to expand across South India through franchising.
Institute Of Design, Established in 1993, 7 Franchisees, Chennai Headquartered
8.1   Expanding in India
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 3.6 thousand
Space Required
2000 - 4000 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 30 - 60 K
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  • How many fashion institute franchise opportunities in Kalaburagi are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 5 active and verified fashion institute franchise opportunities in Kalaburagi listed on SMERGERS as of 08 September 2024.
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