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Veterinary Drugs Business Investment Opportunity in Chennai, India

Seller and marketer of animal pharma products in 4 territories with 2 distributors each.
This transaction has concluded.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader
Reported Sales USD 45 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 27.7 thousand
EBITDA Margin Operating at loss
Industries Veterinary Drugs
Locations  Chennai
Local Time 7:20 PM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 58 thousand for 10.0% stake (Native Currency: INR 5,000,000)
Reason: Expansion of territories in order to bring down our per unit cost of sales.
Includes physical assets worth USD 58 thousand
Business Overview
- We are an animal pharmaceuticals marketing and sales company.
- Currently we are operating in 4 territories which are Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
- Each territory has around 2 distributors with 100+ clients including veterinarians and para-veterinarians.
- We sell around 16 registered brands and we have 7 brands currently in the pipeline.
- The firm has a registered drug licence to hold and sell these drugs.
- Promoter has been working in this field since 2009 and also has hired a full time consultant who has worked at one of the top 5 veterinary pharma companies.
- The firm does not own any physical assets except for stock and inventory.
- At present the per unit cost of sales are high since the firm is only operating in a few territories and thats why sales have reduced. We are expanding to more territories which will lower this cost and enable the firm to generate profits and improve sales.
Products & Services Overview
5 segments of medicine with 16 brands registered and 7 in the pipeline. Includes pharmaceuticals for Mastitis, Infertility, Hameo Protozoan infections, infectious diseases and immune system problems.
Facilities Overview
No office but have a rented area of 500 Sq Ft to store the inventory.
Capitalization Overview
Not Disclosed
Recent Activity
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