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Used Car Dealers Company Investment Opportunity in Athens, Greece

Buy an Athens-based used car dealership specializing in VIP Mercedes Sprinter vans with 30+ clients.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 890 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 930 thousand
EBITDA Margin 25 %
Industries Used Car Dealers
Locations  Athens
Local Time 7:47 AM Europe / Athens
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 1.1 million for 25.0% stake (Native Currency: EUR 1,000,000)
Reason: The reason of the investment is to earn 10 years of job in 1 year and with EUR 1M we can complete 25... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 110 thousand
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Business Overview
- The business operates in the used car dealership industry, specifically focusing on renting and selling used VIP Mercedes Sprinter vans in Athens, Greece.
- The company primarily sources its vans from Germany.
- It has a customer base of 30+ clients, with consistent annual sales of VIP cars and rentals.
Products and Services:
- The business specializes in revamping and selling/renting used VIP Mercedes Sprinter vans to both individuals and car dealers.
- Rental services are offered to schools and individuals at a rate of EUR 4,000 per month, with a current fleet of 2 vans.
Financial Performance:
- The company sells approximately 15 cars annually, contributing to its revenue stream.
- It rents out 2 vans, generating monthly rental income.
- The business has showcased consistent growth potential in the market due to the demand for VIP cars and rental services.
Market Potential:
- The business has identified a significant market opportunity in Athens, Greece, for used VIP Mercedes Sprinter vans, with potential for further expansion.
- The company's customer base, comprising both buyers and renters, highlights the demand for its offerings in the region.
- We are a certified company with all the necessary licenses and certifications.
Products & Services Overview
We rent and sell used VIP Mercedes Sprinter vans.
We sell to individuals and car dealers.
Assets Overview
Tangible assets: The business owns 2 Mercedes Sprinter vans worth EUR 100,000.
- Intangible assets - The current client base.
Facilities Overview
The business operates from a rented garage of 150 square meters in area and incurs a rent of EUR 500 per month.
Capitalization Overview
- The business does not have any loans or debts and is completely owned 100% by the promoter.
Recent Activity
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