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Trucking Business for Sale in Portmore, Jamaica

Trucking company that carries out all island deliveries in Jamaica, having more than 5 major clients.
This transaction has concluded.

Established 30-40 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader
Reported Sales USD 61 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 61 thousand
EBITDA Margin 17 %
Industries Trucking
Locations  Portmore
Local Time 2:14 AM America / Jamaica
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 51 thousand (Native Currency: JMD 8,000,000)
Reason: Due to migration cannot run the business efficiently from the current location.
Includes physical assets worth USD 44 thousand
Business Overview
- Trucking company that started operations 25 years ago.
- We started with one 3-ton truck and now we have a fleet of nine business owned trucks.
- Have 5 major clients. Some of clients are Singer Jamaica Ltd, Rush Marketing, McKinnon Furniture, Fleetwood Jamaica Ltd, Orion Sales Limited, Minott Equip & Chemicals Ltd, Blackstar.
- We also do household removals, pick up of raw materials and finished goods, furniture deliveries to major stores islandwide.
- Our assets includes license, trucks, clients database.
- Out of nine trucks only two trucks are part of the sale along with the business.
Products & Services Overview
Trucking services, household removals, furniture deliveries.
Facilities Overview
Home base company, all operation are done there. No external office is use. Truck are parked in open lot by Owners home or at companies where they are used. Only two of the trucks are being sold with the contracts they maintain, the images given are associated with these contracts.
Capitalization Overview
Not Disclosed
Recent Activity
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