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Luxury Furnishing Retailer for Sale in Raipur, India

One of the biggest names in the furniture and interior industry in Central India.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity General Partnership
Reported Sales USD 930 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 1.74 million
EBITDA Margin 35 %
Industries Luxury Furnishing Retailers
Locations  Raipur
Local Time 1:34 PM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 1.63 million (Native Currency: INR 140,000,000)
Reason: Moving to a different city for personal reasons.
Includes physical assets worth USD 810 thousand
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Business Overview
- The fastest-growing brand in the luxury interior industry.
- Serving an average of 200 customers a year.
- Retail and project capability, extraordinary feedback, and goodwill.
- The reported sales do not include the sales from cash whereas the current sales have cash factored into them. We finished last year at INR 13 crore.
- We operate in the luxury segment and thus the ticket size of each customer is high.
Products & Services Overview
One-stop solution for luxury furniture, kitchens, wardrobes, furnishings, decor, lights, office furniture, bathroom fittings, recliners, and outdoor furniture.
We carry out some production and white label some products as well.
Assets Overview
Tangible assets - stocks worth crores, hundreds of catalogs, samples, display and VM units, elevators, and computers.
Intangible assets - the goodwill of the brand, exclusive brand contracts, software, SOPs, systems, and processes.
Facilities Overview
The display area of around 28,000 sq ft. across 6 floors in a stand-alone building with high-end interiors and elevation. The basement and 1 leased warehouse are very close to the showroom. All the locations are in central Raipur.
The showroom is owned by the family and is not included in the asking price.
Capitalization Overview
The business is entirely family-owned. Approx. debt of INR 3 crores. The business is funded from its profits and external debt.
Recent Activity
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