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Profitable Lighting Fixtures Company for Sale in Patna, India

Premier provider of high-quality lightboards, renowned across India for excellence in studio setup lecture recording.

Established 10-20 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 180 thousand
Run Rate Sales Nil
EBITDA Margin 30 %
Industries Lighting Fixtures
Locations  Patna
Local Time 4:24 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 36 thousand (Native Currency: INR 3,000,000)
Reason: The owner has decided to sell the business due to health issues.
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Business Overview
- Specializes in the manufacture and supply of lightboards.
- Serves a diverse clientele throughout India, with a concentration in Bengaluru and Hyderabad.
- Capable of producing 2-3 lightboards daily.
- Operates fully with outsourced labour.
- Has established a strong customer base with over 250 clients.
- Temporarily not accepting orders due to personal health concerns.
- Possesses a valid Corporate Identification Number (CIN).
- Located in Patna, ensuring easy access for local customers and distribution.
Products & Services Overview
The top-selling products include lightboard and lecture recording studio setups.
A lot of content creators and corporates buy from us.
Assets Overview
The business does not hold any physical assets.
Facilities Overview
The business operates from a rented facility in Patna.
Capitalization Overview
- The business has a total of 2 shareholders holding equal shares.
- There are no loans.
Recent Activity
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Disclaimer: SMERGERS is a regulated marketplace for connecting business sell sides with investors, buyers, lenders and advisors. Neither SMERGERS represents nor guarantees that the information mentioned above is complete or correct.
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