Profitable Construction Supplies Business Investment Opportunity in Hyderabad, India
Established | 5-10 year(s) |
Employees | 10 - 50 |
Legal Entity | Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader |
Reported Sales | USD 11.5 thousand |
Run Rate Sales | USD 42 thousand |
EBITDA Margin | 30 % |
Industries | Door Fixtures + 1 more |
Locations | Hyderabad |
Local Time | 4:54 PM Asia / Kolkata |
Listed By | Business Owner / Director |
Status | Active |
- Also a supplier of V-bond products that include blocks, putty, waterproofing, a total of 18 products.
- The maximum production capacity is 300 doors per day and 4,000 litres of primer per day.
- We supply products to builders, contractors, and distributors.
- Want to develop new product and valuation is according to the growth projections.
- Currently, we are operating in and around 250 km of Hyderabad.
- The company is debt-free and has a sole owner.
- Supply 18 V-bond products that include blocks, putty, waterproofing.
2. 150 Sq yards facility rented for INR 6,000.
Earlier than 15 daysPartner, Distirbution, Bangalore, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business