Pest Control Business Seeking Loan in Kokopo, Papua New Guinea
Established | 1-5 year(s) |
Employees | 2 - 5 |
Legal Entity | Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader |
Reported Sales | USD 750 |
Run Rate Sales | USD 9 thousand |
EBITDA Margin | 9 % |
Industries | Pest Control |
Locations | Kokopo |
Local Time | 8:49 PM Pacific / Port Moresby |
Listed By | Business Owner / Director |
Status | Active |
- 1 client currently and 4 projects from government clients in the pipeline.
- Regular income from government clients ensures financial stability to make interest payments.
- Licenses obtained: tax and incorporation certificate.
- Current employee count is necessary to manage operations.
B2B operations primarily govt clients.
Stock, furniture, fixtures and pest control equipment.
Total area is 80m2.
Self-funded business.
No loans or debts with any other banks or lending companies what so ever.
All clean record.
Earlier than 15 daysDirector, Facility Management, Port Moresby, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business