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Payment Services Business for Sale in Vilnius, Lithuania

Acquire a profitable Electronic Money Institution with over 500 active business clients in Lithuania.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 10-20 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity General Partnership
Reported Sales USD 2.06 million
Run Rate Sales USD 2.06 million
EBITDA Margin 25 %
Industries Payment Services + 1 more
Locations  Vilnius
Local Time 11:09 PM America / Chicago
Listed By Management Member
Status Moderately Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 7.2 million (Native Currency: EUR 7,000,000)
Reason: The promoter is looking to invest in another business.
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Business Name
Not disclosed
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Business Overview
- The business is a profitable Electronic Money Institution (EMI) based in Vilnius, Lithuania, EU.
- It has over 500+ active corporate clients and 400+ private clients, generating revenue through transaction charges and charges for opening bank accounts.
- The company reported a revenue of EUR 2 million and a profit of EUR 500K in the last fiscal year.
- Business has a strong focus on compliance, with about 25% of its staff involved in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) processes, ensuring high industry standards are met.
- Company is licensed by the Central Bank of Lithuania as an EMI, with the license issued 7 years ago, and is available for financial services in Europe.
- It has been fully audited by the regulator, with no hidden issues, after being inspected by the Central Bank in March this year, providing transparency and assurance to potential investors.
- The business uses a USA phone number generated through our CRM system by the company that owns the Lithuanian company we are selling.
Products & Services Overview
The business's top-selling services:
- Bank accounts, VISA cards, SWIFT payments, and SEPA system.
- We mainly cater to other businesses and also have private clients.
Assets Overview
List of assets: Website, App, and software.
Facilities Overview
The business operates primarily online but has a rented business office in the city center of Vilnius County, Lithuania.
Capitalization Overview
The majority of the company's shares belong to one shareholder. The business is profitable.
The company has no debts or loans.
Recent Activity
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Disclaimer: SMERGERS is a regulated marketplace for connecting business sell sides with investors, buyers, lenders and advisors. Neither SMERGERS represents nor guarantees that the information mentioned above is complete or correct.
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