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Oil Equipment Company Investment Opportunity in Houston, United States

Startup providing hydraulic pumps for oil and gas industry seeking financial investment.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 5 - 10
Legal Entity C Corporation
Reported Sales Nil
Run Rate Sales Nil
EBITDA Margin Nil
Industries Oil Equipment + 1 more
Locations  Houston
Local Time 9:46 AM Europe / Madrid
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 3.4 million for 20.0% stake (Native Currency: USD 3,400,000)
Reason: - Funds will be utilized for the start of production after the prototype is proven. - Detailed cost... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 800 thousand
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Business Overview
- We have developed a new technology for a hydraulic pumping unit (Patent Pending) for artificial lifting for the oil and gas industry.
- The product is in the KPI validation stage and ready to scale production after approval.
- This new technology resolves most of the field problems, improving extraction efficiency, operation, and maintenance.
- We are finishing assembly and going to KPI validation in September of this year.
- The business will need another quarter to start the sale of the product.
- The product manufacturing will be done through a partner company and most of the parts will be outsourced.
- We have already agreed with an oil & gas operator to assign an oil well to test the unit.
- We are really strong in sales and marketing and have a deep understanding of the US market.
- Based on that, several potential large clients are interested in marketing and selling the product.
- High worldwide potential market.
- All current investor members have more than 20 years in the oil hydraulic lifting industry and manufacturing, in top American service and manufacturing companies.
- Our forecasted monthly and yearly sales are USD 617,000 and USD 7,400,000 respectively for the 2nd year.
- We also expect our profit margin to be 34% for the 2nd year.
- We only require a registration certificate.
- One of the promoters is in Barcelona and frequently travels to the USA.
Products & Services Overview
3 models:
T3 up to 30,000 lbs working load.
T4 up to 40,000 lbs working load.
T5 up to 50,000 lbs working load.
Assets Overview
The physical assets include the physical prototypes and the first running product along with the warehouse equipment.
Facilities Overview
Leased warehouse and an office with a built-up area of 5,400 sq ft. in North Belt.
Capitalization Overview
- We are 6 members, a) 43.5%, B) 17.8%, C) 17.8%, D) 16.4% F) 2% E) 2.5% had self-funded this venture.
- We funded the company in 2021 identifying the product after more than 20 years working in this market, USD 110.000 debs to (D) shareholder to be paid when business allows it.
Recent Activity
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