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Sports Goods Store for Sale in Bandar Bushehr, Iran

Company specializing in recreational electronic gun-pistol sets with shooting simulators with 56 sets sold.

Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 5 - 10
Legal Entity Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Reported Sales USD 100 - 200 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 370 thousand
EBITDA Margin 40 %
Industries Sports Goods Stores
Locations  Bandar Bushehr
Local Time 12:23 PM Asia / Tehran
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 2.85 million (Native Currency: IRR 120,000,000,000)
Reason: Looking for full sale of business because of the limited market in Iran and the potential in Interna... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 119 thousand
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Business Overview
- Company based in Bushehr specialized in production and sales of recreational electronic gun-pistol sets with shooting simulators.
- Offers electronic gun-pistol sets and shooting simulators catering to various segments including shooting training in schools and universities, use in shooting clubs, game parks, and for shooting enthusiasts at home.
- Since inception in the last 7 months, the company has sold 56 sets (pistols, rifles) and has the capacity to produce up to 200 pieces per year.
- The reason behind significant growth as compared to last year as the business has started operations towards the end of last year.
- Revenue is derived from the sale of the product, income from supplying to local competitions.
- The product is sold in the domestic market in Iran at an average price of IRR 150,000,000, with high profit margins.
- Due to Iran's restrictions, the company has been unable to actively participate in international markets, presenting an opportunity for expansion and growth in the future.
- The product is produced according to the standards of the World Shooting Federation.
- There are 6 permanent employees, who are sufficient to run the business operations, no contract/temporary employees are required.
Products & Services Overview
Production and sales of recreational electronic gun-pistol sets with shooting simulators.
Cater to a range of customers including educational institutions, shooting clubs, game parks, and individual shooting enthusiasts.
In schools and universities: Integrated into physical education or specialized shooting training programs.
Shooting clubs and game parks: Used by members and visitors for leisure and practice.
Home use: Individuals.
Training for competitions: Used by professional and amateur shooters.
Event participation: Equipment supplied for use in local shooting competitions.
Assets Overview
Physical assets include:
Electronic board assembly equipment.
10 3D printers.
Parts payment equipment.
Workshop equipment.
Intangible assets include:
The right to use the invention.
3D design files of parts.
How to prepare the box and packaging.
Electronic board design.
Microcontroller program.
Application program.
Parts assembly training.
Introduction of parts supply location.
Facilities Overview
Operating from a rented working space of 80 sq m, located in Bushehr - Science and Technology Park.
Capitalization Overview
Business is self-funded.
No outstanding loans or liabilities.
There is 1 owner, holding 100% shares in the business.
Recent Activity
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