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Mid-market FinTech Company Investment Opportunity in DeSoto, United States

FinTech company providing debit and prepaid cards with a California State agreement for unbanked employees.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 10-20 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Reported Sales USD 8 million
Run Rate Sales USD 8.4 million
EBITDA Margin Nil
Industries FinTech
Locations  DeSoto
Local Time 8:53 PM America / Chicago
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 5 million for 5.0% stake (Native Currency: USD 5,000,000)
Reason: To ensure sustainable growth in the fintech space, the company must demonstrate its financial capabi... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 9 thousand
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Business Documents
Business Overview
- The company operates in the FinTech industry and is located in DeSoto, providing debit and prepaid cards to both individuals and companies.
- The company has a significant agreement with the state of California to provide prepaid cards to unbanked employees, showcasing a strong foothold in the market. The agreements enables the company to generate revenues through various streams, such as merchant fees, currency conversion charges, minimum maintenance charges.
- Business is currently tied up with one bank, which is responsible for managing all financial aspects, and will be launching a payroll card with a projected monthly revenue of USD 20,000. The new card is expected to launch by the end of this year. The new card will aid in increasing the current revenue.
- The company has secured a contract with a community-based organization and is targeting the Hispanic affinity group, representing a potential market opportunity.
- With a focus on young adults and an age group starting at 15, the company emphasizes the importance of KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures for onboarding customers and has a small program in place with the California State.
- The company is in negotiations with a community organization representing 5 million members, indicating the potential for a significant business deal.
- The business forecasts an addition of 20,000 new users and anticipates reaching breakeven by the end of the year. Additionally, the company has established a partnership with Tim Brown for marketing purposes.
Products & Services Overview
The company has an agreement with the state of California to provide prepaid cards to employees who are unbanked.
Our target audience is young adults.
Assets Overview
The physical assets held by the company are:
Office furniture set-up worth USD 5,000.00.
Work computer stations worth USD 4,000.00.
Facilities Overview
The business operates from a rented office in Texas.
Capitalization Overview
The business currently has a single owner and does not have any ongoing loans. The company is 100% supported by owner.
Recent Activity
  • Earlier than 15 days
    Principal, Dallas, M&A Advisor connected with the Business
  • Earlier than 15 days
    Partner, Charlotte, M&A Advisor connected with the Business
  • Earlier than 15 days
    CEO, Dallas, Financial Consultant connected with the Business
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