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Hospital Assets for Sale in Delhi, India

Freehold commercial complex having 50 year old hospital, commercial bank in Delhi available for sale.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Ownership Duration 50-60 year(s)
Industries Hospitals
Locations  Delhi
Local Time 8:33 PM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Asset Sale
Asking Price: USD 4.6 million (Native Currency: INR 400,000,000)
Reason: Owner is moving abroad to spend more time with his family.
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Clinic Exterior
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Assets Description
We are a multi-specialty hospital that has been operating for almost 50 years. We are looking to lease the business with its entire movable and immovable assets. We have 10 beds and generally receive 150 to 250 OPD patients in a day and it can go up to 275 patients. On a yearly basis, we receive 800 to 900 IPD patients. The building premises is around 10000 Sq Ft out of which only 3300 Sq Ft is being used as hospital & dental clinic and can be expanded. The premises is a freehold property and there is a commercial bank located on the premises (having 6 years lease remaining) We act as the first point of care for most general cases and even offer dental care. We provide surgeries that are not high risk and routine surgeries. We have a fully equipped operation theater as well as a pathology lab that caters to a routine investigation. Building is suitable and fully approved for all sorts of commercial activities.
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