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Food Wholesale Business Seeking Loan in Jath, India

Distributor of edible oils and food products, serving over 150 clients with wide geographical reach.

Established 20-30 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader
Reported Sales USD 4.1 million
Run Rate Sales USD 5.6 million
EBITDA Margin 30 %
Industries Food Wholesale
Locations  Jath
Local Time 9:54 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Moderately Active
Overall Rating
Seeking Loan
USD 58 thousand for 14.0% annual interest, 3 years (Native Currency: INR 5,000,000)
Reason: The owner requires the loan amount for the immediate supply of oil for clients.
Collateral Available: USD 0
Includes physical assets worth USD 58 thousand
Name, Phone, Email
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Business Name
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User Verification
Udyam Certificate
GST Certificate
Business Overview
1. The business is a distributor of edible oils and food products, operating in the Jath region.
2. Top-selling products include cottonseed oil, refined sunflower oil, organic poha, wheat flour, and various other edible oils and food products.
3. The client base is diverse comprising over 50 plus key clients and approximately 100 plus smaller clients.
4. Clients are offered a 15-day credit period, and the business exclusively supplies oil without marketing it under its own brand name.
5. Trading and supplies extend across India, demonstrating a wide geographical reach, while reliance on third-party suppliers for manufactured products indicates dependence on external production capabilities.
6. The company employs only three permanent employees, as it focuses solely on trading in edible oil and does not require additional staff.
7. The promoter needs immediate funds to fulfill a client's order and is therefore seeking an external loan.
8. The business possesses all the necessary registrations, including a GST certificate, Udyam license, trade license, and more.
Products & Services Overview
The business's top-selling products include the distribution of edible oils like cottonseed oil, refined sunflower oil, and more, along with food products such as organic poha, wheat flour, and others.
Assets Overview
The facility has physical assets in stock valued at INR 50 lakh.
Facilities Overview
The facility is situated in Walkhindi, Sangli district, covering an area of 1,000 sq ft and is owned by the owner.
Capitalization Overview
- Self owned.
- Self funded.
- The business has an outstanding loan of INR 1 crore from banks.
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