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Enterprise Software Company for Sale in Singapore

Enterprise software company located in Singapore with a 40% renewal rate.

Established 10-20 year(s)
Employees 5 - 10
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 660 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 175 thousand
EBITDA Margin 40 %
Industries Enterprise Software
Locations Singapore
Local Time 7:00 PM Asia / Singapore
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 550 thousand (Native Currency: SGD 750,000)
Reason: To transit to another different business. Willing to train the next person to continue on with the ... View More
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Business Overview
- The company operates in the enterprise software industry and is located in Singapore.
- The team consists of 6 employees, including creative developers and designers with over 9 years of experience in web designing, e-commerce solutions, and custom-made solutions.
- The company serves over 200 clients, ranging from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to multinational corporations (MNCs).
- The company is a participant in the Government Vendorship Programme and receives 5-6 projects monthly, with project durations varying from 2 weeks.
- The company holds the PSG vendor license and has a 40% renewal rate for annual contracts, with contracts valued at USD 50-60k annually.
- The company's primary products and services include web designing, e-commerce solutions, and custom-made solutions tailored to client needs.
- The company's client base spans various industries and sectors, showcasing its versatility and adaptability in providing software solutions.
- The run rate sales have dropped because projects are lower in value.
Products & Services Overview
Web designing E-commerce solutions, custom made solutions. Serving companies from SME to MNC level business.
Assets Overview
Clientele base, reoccurring contracts, and employee contracts. No need of physical assets as all work is done through online and technology based.
Facilities Overview
The office is 600 sq ft with a monthly rent of USD 2,006, located in the western part of Singapore's business district.
Capitalization Overview
The business is self-funded through existing sales and recurring contracts, with single ownership holding 100% of the shares. There is currently a business loan of USD 400k, but it will be repaid before the sale of the business.
Recent Activity
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