Display Screens Business Seeking Loan in Bangalore, India
Established | 10-20 year(s) |
Employees | 2 - 5 |
Legal Entity | Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader |
Reported Sales | USD 79 thousand |
Run Rate Sales | USD 120 thousand |
EBITDA Margin | 18 % |
Industries | Display Screens + 1 more |
Locations | Bangalore |
Local Time | 12:48 PM Asia / Kolkata |
Listed By | Business Owner / Director |
Status | Active |
- We also provide complete solutions for the above products wherein we get contracts from third parties like Wipro and Progility.
- Currently we have served 20 corporate whom we have served through third party system integrators.
- We have also partnered with HAL and BEL whom we provide our services and we also have 2 AMC contracts.
- There is a considerable jump in the sales this year because of the increase in number of contracts which was more towards sales of our products rather than just integration.
- Promoter has a business experience of 16 years and also caters wide range of products to educational institutions.
Earlier than 15 daysDGM, Government, Bangalore, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysOwner, Audio Equipment, Middelburg, Corporate Investor / Buyer connected with the Business