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Arms and Ammunitions Company for Sale in Sklené, Slovakia

Lucrative sale of defense business with existing contracts, industry license, 3.2ha property with freehold land.

Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 5 - 10
Legal Entity Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Reported Sales USD 30 - 40 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 124 thousand
EBITDA Margin Operating at loss
Industries Arms and Ammunitions + 1 more
Locations  Sklené
Local Time 9:02 PM Europe / Tallinn
Listed By Advisor / Business Broker
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 2.2 million (Native Currency: EUR 2,150,000)
Reason: The owner is 70 years of age and plans to retire. The company is sold only on the assumption of the ... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 2.2 million
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Business Overview
Company was purpose-built after the sale of a joint-stock company, which for 20 years dealt with the sale, purchase, repair and modernization of defense industry products (VOP), after old military material.
Has concluded 2 contracts for work with.
Customers in the field of industrial safety. Until the moment of sale, the contracts will be fulfilled and commercially financially settled.
Since the owner is 70 years old, he no longer plans to practically carry out business with defense industry products.
Both state and private companies were interested in using his life experience, business connections, advice, organizational skills, laundry and mediation. This activity, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, is subject to the ownership of the Permit (license) for trading with GTC. For this reason, the company has a full-fledged Permit (license) for all activities related to VOP (of military material)
The company has authorization for:
- Purchase, sale and transport of weapons.
And ammunition,
- Production of defense industry products.
Legislation allows foreigners to buy and own land.
It is a company with a good history and reputation, and the military license is valid for 3 more years.
Products & Services Overview
Cargo transportation, mediation in the sale of military products.
Assets Overview
- Real estate with buildings, and freehold land valued at EUR 2.15 million.
- Company with a military license, valid authorizations, and contracts.
Facilities Overview
Director-owned property with a total land area of 32,141 m2 = 3.2 ha. The company has leased the property from the director. The property itself consists of an accommodation part, a sports-relaxation part and an economic part.
The accommodation part: consists of a three-story main building, three guest cabins, garages and parking lots.
The sports-relaxation part: consists of an outdoor, covered, heated swimming pool measuring 5 x 12 m with four-stage water purification, against currents, a massage nozzle and a shower, located between the main building and the guest cabins.
These two parts of the property (approx. 1.0 ha) are professionally fenced, the space is filled with a professionally maintained lawn with ornamental rockeries, and the fence is lined with a row of thuja alternating with cultivated morels.
Economic part: it is divided into 3 buildings -
1. The first object is a fallow deer reserve (approx. 1.1 ha) in which the number of deer varies depending on the regulation of breeding.
2. The second object is intended for breeding horses (2 units) with a large paddock (approx. 1.1 ha) fenced with a farm fence made of agate rounds and spruce boards, supplemented by an electric fence around the entire perimeter.
3. The third object is a large farm building, which includes a stable with two professional boxes for horses and harnesses, a feed store for all animals and a garage for a tractor with accessories (mower, mulcher, gates, rake, etc. ) and a carriage for horses on tires, with suspension, dual circuit disc brakes and lighting for 8 people.
A very discreet and reliable married couple takes care of cleaning, maintenance, and animals for a fee. The entire object is protected by a camera and security system and a dog. The property is sold furnished, with the specified equipment and animals.
There are no encumbrances on the property and all taxes, levies and fees are paid to the state and the municipality.
Capitalization Overview
There are no debts or outstanding loans. There is only one owner.
No liabilities, credits, loans, receivables or.
Other economic restrictions on sale.
Recent Activity
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