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Arms and Ammunitions Businesses for Sale and Investment Opportunities

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Arms and Ammunitions Businesses for Sale and Investment Opportunities. Buy or Invest in an Arm and Ammunition, Bullet Manufacturing or a Arm Industry Business.

  • Arms and Ammunitions


Arms and Ammunitions Company for Sale in Sklené, Slovakia

Lucrative sale of defense business with existing contracts, industry license, 3.2ha property with freehold land.
Company was purpose-built after the sale of a joint-stock company, which for 20 years dealt with the sale, purchase, repair and modernization of defense industry products (VOP), after old military material. Has concluded 2 contracts for work with. Customers in the field of industrial safety. Until the moment of sale, the contracts will be fulfilled and commercially financially settled. Since the owner is 70 years old, he no longer plans to practically carry out business with defense industry products. Both state and private companies were interested in using his life experience, business connections, advice, organizational skills, laundry and mediation. This activity, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, is subject to the ownership of the Permit (license) for trading with GTC. For this reason, the company has a full-fledged Permit (license) for all activities related to VOP (of military material) The company has authorization for: - Purchase, sale and transport of weapons. And ammunition, - Production of defense industry products. Legislation allows foreigners to buy and own land. It is a company with a good history and reputation, and the military license is valid for 3 more years.
Lucrative sale of defense business with existing contracts, industry license, 3.2ha property with freehold land.
7.5   Sklené
Run Rate Sales
USD 124 thousand
Operating at loss
Business for Sale
USD 2.2 Mn
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Arms and Ammunitions Company Investment Opportunity in Florence, United States

Small ammunition manufacturer looking to grow their business.
We are an ammunition manufacturing company that sells its brands online in our e-store along with some area stores, and also to bulk customers. - Have had multiple sales and plenty of repeat customers as well. - We have had many great reviews about how great our product functions. We also have a social media promoter that helps spread the word.
7.5   Florence
Run Rate Sales
USD 60 thousand
25 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 60 K for 40%
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Arms and Ammunitions Business for Sale in Pune, India

For Sale: Start-up that has jointly developed innovative product with DRDO & licensed technology.
Pune-based DIPP-approved startup jointly developed innovative patented product in collaboration with DRDO. -The company is incubated under the MeiTy startup program and has obtained a government grant from MeiTy. -The product is indigenously developed and the only made-in-India product in this category. -We have obtained a technology license from DRDO for manufacturing, sales, and further development for a period of 10 years on a renewable basis. -Potential customers include Indian Army, State Police forces, CRPF, SPG, ATS, and various government and private security agencies. -More than 5,000 tests have been conducted on the product. -The product has undergone field trials with the Indian Army, Telangana State Police, Maharashtra ATS, J&K State Police, and CRPF. -Indian Army has reviewed the product extensively and raised an RFP with an initial order value of up to INR 40 lakhs as a pilot project with subsequent bigger orders post-initial usage. -Promoters have more than 25 years of experience in the domain of electronics, computers, and mechanical engineering. -The company was not operational for 1.5 years due to Covid and subsequent semiconductor unavailability issues. -The business has the potential to resume once semiconductor availability normalizes. -All vendors for raw materials have been identified and engaged at various levels. -Relevant manufacturing tools, including dies and mold, are available for mass production. -Technical collateral, including product manuals, are ready. -Sales and marketing collateral are ready, including brochures, online videos, and presentations. -GeM portal registration for the product is done. -Next stage development plan is in place.
For Sale: Start-up that has jointly developed innovative product with DRDO & licensed technology.
7.5   Pune
Run Rate Sales
Business for Sale
USD 202 K
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Arms and Ammunitions Business for Sale in Pune, India

For Sale: Start-up that has jointly developed innovative product with DRDO & licensed technology.
Pune-based DIPP-approved startup jointly developed innovative patented product in collaboration with DRDO. -The company is incubated under the MeiTy startup program and has obtained a government grant from MeiTy. -The product is indigenously developed and the only made-in-India product in this category. -We have obtained a technology license from DRDO for manufacturing, sales, and further development for a period of 10 years on a renewable basis. -Potential customers include Indian Army, State Police forces, CRPF, SPG, ATS, and various government and private security agencies. -More than 5,000 tests have been conducted on the product. -The product has undergone field trials with the Indian Army, Telangana State Police, Maharashtra ATS, J&K State Police, and CRPF. -Indian Army has reviewed the product extensively and raised an RFP with an initial order value of up to INR 40 lakhs as a pilot project with subsequent bigger orders post-initial usage. -Promoters have more than 25 years of experience in the domain of electronics, computers, and mechanical engineering. -The company was not operational for 1.5 years due to Covid and subsequent semiconductor unavailability issues. -The business has the potential to resume once semiconductor availability normalizes. -All vendors for raw materials have been identified and engaged at various levels. -Relevant manufacturing tools, including dies and mold, are available for mass production. -Technical collateral, including product manuals, are ready. -Sales and marketing collateral are ready, including brochures, online videos, and presentations. -GeM portal registration for the product is done. -Next stage development plan is in place.
For Sale: Start-up that has jointly developed innovative product with DRDO & licensed technology.
7.5   Pune
Run Rate Sales
Business for Sale
USD 202 K
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  • How many arms and ammunitions businesses for sale and investment opportunities are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 3 active and verified arms and ammunitions businesses for sale and investment opportunities listed on SMERGERS as of 20 January 2025.
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