Lecturer, College, Franchise Investor, Avadi, India
Franchise Investor in Avadi Looking to Invest in Transportation Businesses Upto INR 2 lakh
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CompanyAvailable after connect
Professional Summary
As a lecturer in the college industry, I have expertise in guiding and mentoring students through various academic disciplines. With a passion for education and investing, I seek opportunities to grow my personal wealth and contribute to a brighter future for my students.
Transaction Preference
Investment SizeBetween 1.18 thousand - 2.36 thousand USD
Investment Criteria
I am an individual investor/buyer interested in acquiring vehicle rental or taxi businesses located in Avadi, and I'm looking for opportunities to enter this segment and leverage my passion for this industry to make informed investment decisions and spur further growth.
Overall Rating
Local Time7:34 AM (Asia / Kolkata)
StatusModerately Active
Sector Preference
Location Preference
Recent Activity
Connected with 1 business