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Immigration Consulting Businesses for Sale and Investment Opportunities in Punjab

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Immigration Consulting Businesses for Sale and Investment Opportunities in Punjab. Buy or Invest in an Immigration Consulting Business.

  • Immigration Consulting

  • Punjab


Newly Established Immigration Consulting Company Seeking Loan in Kapurthala, India

Newly established education and visa consultant with strong contacts and plans for expansion.
It's a newly built company and the revenue we receive are from fee commissions and file charges. We also have a plan to grab an IETA Standard license and start booking air tickets along with packages. We have direct tie-ups with 3-4 colleges and we also have B2B contacts with some similar institutes and that way get connected to over 100+ colleges. The owner has 4 years of experience in the industry.
Newly established education and visa consultant with strong contacts and plans for expansion.
6.8   Kapurthala
Run Rate Sales
USD 28.6 thousand
20 - 30 %
Business Loan
USD 24 K at 10%
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Immigration Consulting Sales Partner Opportunity

Immigration Business Alliance Partner, Established in 2021, 34 Sales Partners, Adelaide Headquartered
  • 70+ introductions
  • 6000+ Page Views
  • 3000+ Investor Views
Immigration Business Alliance Partner (IBA) is an Australian owned and operated firm, which acts as an aggregator for Immigration Business Setup & ICT technical platform. IBA registered in Australia and USA, is there to make life easy for Legal Practitioners, Registered Migration Agents, Service Providers, Sales Agents, Outsourcing Sales Agents, and Master Franchises! At IBA, we are committed to building careers, relationships, and partnerships by leveraging our strong service providers’ knowledge, expertise, and brand identity to benefit individuals and businesses in the field of Immigration Services, especially for Australia. With Immigration Business Alliance Partner (IBA), businesses, consultancies, and agents have a good opportunity to enhance their careers. Through IBA’s platform, you will get innumerable benefits ranging from exclusive services, high revenues, to an association with a pioneering brand. Reach out to us to become our partner today!
Immigration Business Alliance Partner, Established in 2021, 34 Sales Partners, Adelaide Headquartered
9.2   Expanding in Punjab
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 18 - 51 thousand
Space Required
0 - 500 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 900 - 3 K
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Immigration Consulting Franchise Opportunity

Visa Emperor (Emperor Migration Services Pvt Ltd), Established in 2012, 4 Franchisees, Noida Headquartered
  • 20+ introductions
  • 2000+ Page Views
  • 1000+ Investor Views
Visa Emperor is an international immigration law firm with a team of highly experienced immigration law professionals. Our team of experts involves immigration lawyers, ex visa officers, student counselors, leaders of customer service and case management experts to provide the best customer experience with a near hundred percent success rate. Our unmatched personalized services will adapt immigration needs and guide to follow the most accurate pathway to migrate abroad. We also provide online IELTS Coaching and IELTS Test practice.
Visa Emperor (Emperor Migration Services Pvt Ltd), Established in 2012, 4 Franchisees, Noida Headquartered
8   Expanding in Ludhiana
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 4.8 thousand
Space Required
500 - 2000 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 6 - 12 K
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Immigration Consulting Franchise Opportunity

Visa Emperor (Emperor Migration Services Pvt Ltd), Established in 2012, 4 Franchisees, Noida Headquartered
  • 20+ introductions
  • 2000+ Page Views
  • 1000+ Investor Views
Visa Emperor is an international immigration law firm with a team of highly experienced immigration law professionals. Our team of experts involves immigration lawyers, ex visa officers, student counselors, leaders of customer service and case management experts to provide the best customer experience with a near hundred percent success rate. Our unmatched personalized services will adapt immigration needs and guide to follow the most accurate pathway to migrate abroad. We also provide online IELTS Coaching and IELTS Test practice.
Visa Emperor (Emperor Migration Services Pvt Ltd), Established in 2012, 4 Franchisees, Noida Headquartered
8   Expanding in Ludhiana
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 4.8 thousand
Space Required
500 - 2000 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 6 - 12 K
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Immigration Consulting Franchise Opportunity

Studies Overseas & Immigration Consultancy Service, Established in 2015, 3 Franchisees, Ludhiana Headquartered
  • 300+ Page Views
  • 200+ Investor Views
Studies Overseas & Immigration Consultancy (SOIC) is India’s #1 Overseas Education Consultant. SOIC has 10+ years of experience helping prospective students go for quality education across the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the UK. Whatever one legal needs or questions are, Immigration Consultancy has got them covered. We invest heavily in giving the absolute best legal representation. Customer satisfaction is our priority. Our current centers are generating the mentioned revenue.
Studies Overseas & Immigration Consultancy Service, Established in 2015, 3 Franchisees, Ludhiana Headquartered
5.9   Expanding in India
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 8.3 thousand
Space Required
800 - 1200 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 38 - 54 K
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Immigration Consulting Franchise Opportunity

F4 Migration Guru, Established in 2023, 2 Franchisees, Pune Headquartered
  • 20+ introductions
  • 5000+ Page Views
  • 2000+ Investor Views
F4 Migration Guru (F4MG) is the Global Master Franchise of Immigration Business Alliance Partner (IBA). As part of the expansion in India and UAE, F4MG is inviting Franchise Partners in various cities/regions across India & UAE.
F4 Migration Guru, Established in 2023, 2 Franchisees, Pune Headquartered
8.7   Expanding in India
Exp Monthly Sales
USD 36 thousand
Space Required
300 - 500 Sq Ft
Investment Required
USD 12 - 18 K
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  • How many immigration consulting businesses for sale and investment opportunities in Punjab are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 5 active and verified immigration consulting businesses for sale and investment opportunities in Punjab listed on SMERGERS as of 14 September 2024.
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    Buying an existing business is generally an easier way to start a business with an immediate head start. It saves valuable time and administrative efforts, considering starting from scratch is …read more

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