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Fabricator Investment Opportunities in Saham

Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Fabricator Investment Opportunities in Saham. Invest in a Fabricator or a Welder.

  • Fabricators

  • Saham

  • Investment Opportunities


Fabricator Investment Opportunity in Saham, Oman

Saham-based fabricator serving a variety of industries, with a focus on automation and home applications.
The company is located in Saham and specializes in metallic fabrication, surface treatments, and welding repairs tailored for residential applications and automation such as doors, windows, and kitchens. With a team of 18 employees, the company offers a wide range of products and services, including welding repairs, shades, structures, doors, gates, windows (UPVC and aluminum), automatic shutters, and gates. The company has a diverse client base, serving both B2B and B2C clients across various sectors, including government, private, educational, fabrication, services, retail, and transportation. Its focus on residential applications and automation sets it apart in the industry, catering to the specific needs of homeowners and businesses seeking customized fabrication and welding solutions. The company's expertise in surface treatments and welding repairs adds value to its offerings, ensuring quality and durability in its products and services. Its specialization in metallic fabrication positions the company as a reliable partner for clients seeking high-quality, customized metal-based solutions for their projects. The company's portfolio of products and services, combined with its diverse client base, presents opportunities for growth and expansion within the Saham market and potentially beyond.
6.7   Saham
Run Rate Sales
USD 390 thousand
15 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 310 K for 20%
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Fabricator Investment Opportunity in Saham, Oman

Saham-based fabricator serving a variety of industries, with a focus on automation and home applications.
The company is located in Saham and specializes in metallic fabrication, surface treatments, and welding repairs tailored for residential applications and automation such as doors, windows, and kitchens. With a team of 18 employees, the company offers a wide range of products and services, including welding repairs, shades, structures, doors, gates, windows (UPVC and aluminum), automatic shutters, and gates. The company has a diverse client base, serving both B2B and B2C clients across various sectors, including government, private, educational, fabrication, services, retail, and transportation. Its focus on residential applications and automation sets it apart in the industry, catering to the specific needs of homeowners and businesses seeking customized fabrication and welding solutions. The company's expertise in surface treatments and welding repairs adds value to its offerings, ensuring quality and durability in its products and services. Its specialization in metallic fabrication positions the company as a reliable partner for clients seeking high-quality, customized metal-based solutions for their projects. The company's portfolio of products and services, combined with its diverse client base, presents opportunities for growth and expansion within the Saham market and potentially beyond.
6.7   Saham
Run Rate Sales
USD 390 thousand
15 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 310 K for 20%
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