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Consulting Company Investment Opportunity in Singapore, Singapore

Consulting firm aiding businesses with expansion into Asia markets, specializing in digital business strategies.

Established 10-20 year(s)
Employees < 2
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 8.8 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 10.5 thousand
EBITDA Margin 20 - 30 %
Industries Consulting
Locations  Singapore
Local Time 6:15 PM Asia / Singapore
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Moderately Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 7.3 thousand for 30.0% stake (Native Currency: SGD 10,000)
Reason: We see tremendous opportunities that many SMEs from outside of Asia / ASEAN regions would like to co... View More
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Business Overview
- Company specializes in helping businesses expand into the Asia consumer markets, with a focus on technology and digital business strategies.
- With a strong emphasis on the ASEAN and Greater China markets, the company has worked with over 20 clients, ranging from SMEs to large corporations, to develop go-to-Asia (GTA) digital business strategies.
- The founder of the company has 20 years of experience in the Asia region, with a track record of launching, developing, and growing digital-centric businesses.
- The company's previous annual turnover was SGD 100,000, and its projects have ranged from a few thousand dollars to six figures.
- The business has slowed down in the past year due to personal reasons.
Products & Services Overview
Top services include Asia cross border eCommerce, Asia digital business consulting, China cross border eCommerce service and consulting.
Clients include mostly SMEs based in Singapore and Taiwan.
Assets Overview
The business doesn't have any physical assets.
Intangible assets include website, LinkedIn, FB page, a copyrighted sub-brand registered with the Singapore IP office.
Facilities Overview
Currently all the business operations are remote.
We are knowledge-based services and we have worked virtually with our clients from different places.
Capitalization Overview
The business is self-funded by the director or from projects we delivered. No debts or outstanding loans at the moment.
Recent Activity
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