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Investors in Chandrapur

Showing 1 - 14 of 713 Investors in Chandrapur. Buy or Sell your Business in Chandrapur.

  • Chandrapur

Interests: Looking to invest in Technology and GPS Devices.
Background: Manager of a private company in Nepal.
6.6 / 10
Digital Marketing + 3 more
Investment Size
USD 5 K - 10 K
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Interests: Interested in a business that is established and well located. The business can be anywhere in Nepal, as I am familiar with the locations in Nepal.
Background: I used to work in a hotel in Maldives. I am looking for good investment opportunities.
5.8 / 10
Cafes + 6 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 7.5 K
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Chairman, Training Institute

Individual Buyer in Bagmati, Nepal

Interests: - Interested in a flower nursery. I want to set up a business and promote it in my area. - Also looking for a training institute since I already operate in this segment.
Background: Owner of a training institute in Nepal. I am a localite and have good contacts across Nepal.
7.1 / 10
Nepal + 1 more
Coaching Centers + 2 more
Investment Size
USD 3.8 K - 7.5 K
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Chairman, Training Institute

Individual Buyer in Bagmati, Nepal

Interests: - Interested in a flower nursery. I want to set up a business and promote it in my area. - Also looking for a training institute since I already operate in this segment.
Background: Owner of a training institute in Nepal. I am a localite and have good contacts across Nepal.
7.1 / 10
Nepal + 1 more
Coaching Centers + 2 more
Investment Size
USD 3.8 K - 7.5 K
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Principal Architect, Construction

Individual Buyer in Janakpur, Nepal

Interests: As I am an Architect by profession, I am interested in buying a construction company so that I can expand my business in sustainable construction.
Background: As a Principal Architect in the construction industry, I specialize in designing and overseeing the creation of innovative and sustainable buildings and structures. With a focus on blending functionality and aesthetic appeal, I aim to deliver exceptional architectural solutions that meet client needs and elevate the built environment. My expertise lies in leading teams, collaborating with stakeholders, and ensuring the successful implementation of architectural designs.
6.9 / 10
Chandrapur + 1 more
Residential Real Estate Construction + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 37.4 K
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Managing Director, Trading & Marketing

Individual Buyer in Kathmandu, Nepal

Interests: Would like to diverse from current business interest into new sectors in Nepal.
Background: I am the owner of a trading company. Exploring expansion opportunities and would like to validate the business. I will invest in my personal capacity.
6.6 / 10
Nepal + 2 more
Consumer Electronics + 9 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 150 K
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Managing Director, Printing & Packaging

Individual Investor in Kathmandu, Nepal

Interests: Business owner must be reliable and supportive of new add ons & have the vision for long term growth.
Background: I am managing a printing and packaging business of boxes. I have 4 years of business experience.
7.7 / 10
Nepal + 1 more
Bars + 4 more
Investment Size
USD 7.5 K - 22.6 K
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Interests: Construction equipment. Automobile. Manufacturing. Construction materials. Petroleum.
Background: We are a group of company. We are in construction, real-estate, automotive, machines, education and retail.
7.9 / 10
Nepal + 3 more
Advanced Medical Equipment Wholesale + 69 more
Investment Size
USD 3 Mn - 15 Mn
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Interests: Coaching center operating for more than 3 years. A minimum number of students must be enrolled at the center.
Background: Working as a teacher in a school and also does home tuition. Holds 5 years of education industry experience.
6.6 / 10
Nepal + 1 more
Coaching Centers + 2 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 7.5 K
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Support Manager, Online Retailer

Corporate Investor in Kathmandu, Nepal

Interests: Looking for franchise opportunities in Nepal, especially in Kathmandu or co-branding opportunities. Eager for an eCommerce related business and affiliate marketing products. We can do marketing on our own.
Background: We are an online retail platform that sells apparel and jewellery products across Nepal. Interested in expansion.
7.1 / 10
Nepal + 5 more
Bio Medical Devices + 8 more
Investment Size
USD 7.5 K - 15 K
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Interests: I will manage the business along with my wife.
Background: I am a businessman having 10 years of experience in the construction industry. My wife is engaged in the healthcare industry.
6.3 / 10
Nepal + 2 more
Fertilizer + 4 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 750 K
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Co-founder, Financial Consulting

Individual Buyer in Kathmandu, Nepal

Interests: Restaurants having a seating capacity for a minimum of 30 customers & serving both veg & non-veg food.
Background: Co - founder of a financial consulting firm in Nepal. Would like to enter the food industry.
6.6 / 10
Nepal + 1 more
Fast Food Restaurants + 3 more
Investment Size
USD 6 K - 15 K
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Design Engineer, Electronic Products Manufacturer

Individual Investor in Kathmandu, Nepal

Interests: I am planning to work on new, exciting ventures that can catch my imagination for long-term growth in Nepal.
Background: I am an engineer, looking after a family company right now. I worked for an electronics manufacturing company for 12 years as a design engineer.
6.6 / 10
Nepal + 1 more
Agriculture Support + 17 more
Investment Size
USD 3.8 K - 19 K
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Owner, Construction Material

Individual Buyer in Bhaktapur, Nepal

Interests: I am interested in businesses related to a wide range of industries, including energy, technology, healthcare, finance, education, and logistics. I am open to exploring opportunities in Nepal across various sectors that are aligned with my investment focus.
Background: As the owner of a tile manufacturing company, I am focused on driving the growth and success of my business through strategic decision-making and innovation in the tile industry. With a strong emphasis on quality and customer satisfaction, I aim to position my company as a leader in the market and constantly seek opportunities for expansion and improvement. I am looking for new business.
6.6 / 10
Nepal + 2 more
Home Appliances + 22 more
Investment Size
USD 75 K - 750 K
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MD, Engineering Consultancy

Individual Buyer in Kathmandu, Nepal

Interests: Looking for better business opportunities in Nepal.
Background: Running an engineering consultancy firm.
6.6 / 10
Nepal + 1 more
Education Consultants + 1 more
Investment Size
USD 750 - 15 K
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  • How many investors in Chandrapur are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 713 active and verified investors in Chandrapur listed on SMERGERS as of 08 September 2024.
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