7.8 / 10
 Port Vila

Strategic Pacific PPP green/blue harbor and infrastructure development seeking joint venture partner.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales Nil
EBIDTA Margin Nil
Industries Marine Port Services
Locations  Port Vila
Business Overview
- Company holds an exclusive joint venture development agreement with five custom owner families as sole lessors and lessees of 516 hectares in two development zones that have the vision to create a multi-purpose development to serve as a second major peri-urban hub.
Economic advantages:
• Relocation of the crowded domestic port to a spacious and safe location.
• Creation of 1,000 new jobs in construction and operation over a 5-year period.
• Vanuatu’s National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) Renewable Energy goal achievement through the use of renewable energy NSPD blue-green economic growth.
• New manufacturing facility for renewable energy products (locally assembled).
• New agricultural area made available for high-demand crops.
- The impact of the project is directly aligned with Vanuatu National Sustainable Development Plan’s Environmental, social and economic pillars. The impact will be long-term, and sustainable, and be a role model for future green projects. It will be a high-impact and paradigm-shifting climate-smart investment.
Products & Services Overview
The development will provide:
• New domestic green port for the estate to serve as the main inter-island shipping hub (powered by renewable energy).
• New domestic green fleet (renewable energy-powered domestic fleet of 12 ships).
• New green slipway to service full domestic fleet and international vessels needing repair and maintenance while in Vanuatu waters (powered by.
Renewable energy).
• Trade center for productive sector products from provinces (raw and value-added) for domestic and international trade.
• Manufacturing center for renewable energy products (e-vehicles, renewable and energy products)
• Agriculture/horticulture high production high demand products farm.
Capitalization Overview
- The business is currently funded by the two main shareholders who own a 50/50 percent shareholding in the company. - Company has no debts.
Assets Overview
Tangible assets include the leasehold of the land worth NZD 24 million (or USD 15 million). It is leased by the company for 75 years. Intangible assets are the seller's expertise in the construction field, the goodwill and trust earned with the local people, and prior successful developments in Vanuatu. Image created for Forari Bay and copyrighted material pertaining to the business development.
Partial Stake Sale
USD 4.5 million for 40.0% stake (Native Currency: NZD 8,000,000)
Reason: We are looking for a joint venture partner.
Includes physical assets worth USD 11.2 million
Interested to connect with advisors
In talks with 3 Investors
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