6.8 / 10

Fast food franchise in Mumbai with 300-400 daily footfall and 40% revenue from online deliveries.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 57 thousand
EBIDTA Margin 20 %
Industries Fast Food Restaurants
Locations  Mumbai
Business Overview
- A well-known fast-food franchise in Mumbai experiences high customer traffic.
- Serves only vegetarian options.
- Operates on a quick-service model.
- Witnesses a daily footfall of 300-400 customers.
- Generates 40% of its revenue from online deliveries.
- Pays a 10% royalty on sales, with the franchise agreement renewed for an additional 5 years.
- Business has a valid FSSAI, Shop establishment certificate, and GST certificate.
Products & Services Overview
Our top selling products include:
- Fast food.
- softies.
- Fries.
- Coke.
Our major customers are the travellers who use the metro.
Capitalization Overview
The business is run by a single owner and is fully self-financed. The business is debt-free.
Assets Overview
The complete shop setup is worth INR 25 lakh. The set-up includes: 1. Coke fountains. 2. Storage unites. 3. Cooking equipment.
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 30 thousand (Native Currency: INR 2,500,000)
Reason: The owner is moving to a different city.
Includes physical assets worth USD 30 thousand
In talks with 2 Investors
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