8.4 / 10

Company providing virtual reality services with 19+ completed projects in the finance and gaming industry.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 65 thousand
EBIDTA Margin 40 %
Industries Virtual & Augmented Reality
Locations  Sliema
Business Overview
- We provide services related to virtual space to help businesses enhance their online engagement.
- We have completed 22 key projects over 19 months.
- Our company mainly cater to the finance and gaming industries.
- Our clients include UBS Bank, Lazard Bank, Forever 21, UPS, Sygnum Bank, and more.
- We generate revenue by signing a contract with our clients.
- The duration of the contract is from 3-6 months.
- The sales will increase as the year progresses and the company receives more projects.
- We only have 2 permanent employees but we hire interns and temporary employees to help with our projects.
- The founders have 3 years of experience in this industry.
- We only require a registration certificate to operate the business.
Products & Services Overview
Virtual community-building platforms for enhanced online engagement.
Capitalization Overview
- There are two partners in the business with a shareholding pattern of 66%-34%. - The business is debt-free. - The business is financed by Tokens. com and our operating cashflow.
Assets Overview
- The tangible assets include electronics, office equipment, and cash. - The intangible assets include European bank accounts, 22 clients, and IP for metaverse casinos and banks. Please note the buyer gets only the brand and IP.
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 80 thousand (Native Currency: EUR 75,000)
Reason: Sale of brand and IP.
Includes physical assets worth USD 80 thousand
Interested to connect with advisors
In talks with 3 Investors
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