5.9 / 10

Sports tech startup company with a patented product and orders in the pipeline for sale.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 43 thousand
EBIDTA Margin Operating at loss
Industries Sport Goods
Locations  Bangalore
Business Overview
- We are the developers of shuttle feeder machines.
- We have spent 3 years on R&D and have started sales 4 months ago.
- Have sold 7-8 units so far.
- Have an order to manufacture 45 new units.
- Our clients are badminton coaching centres.
- Manufacturing is done by a third party.
- Revenue is generated through sales of machines and subscription models for the software with a cost of INR 8,000 per month.
- The product is patented and can be controlled through IoT.
- The business has a registration document.
- The promoters have experience in the product development industry.
- Business is currently operating at a loss due to R&D expenses.
- We require a high number of employees to keep up with the R&D.
Products & Services Overview
Manufacturer of IoT control shuttle feeder machine with software.
Capitalization Overview
- The business is bootstrapped and has received funding from an angel investor. - The re is an ongoing loan of INR 2 crore. - There are 3 partners with a shareholding pattern of 92%-5%-3%.
Assets Overview
The assets of the business include furniture, R&D products, and office equipment.
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 1.2 million (Native Currency: INR 100,000,000)
Reason: The owners are unable to manage the business. The valuation also includes the debt of INR 2 crores. ... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 24 thousand
Interested to connect with advisors

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