7.6 / 10

For Sale: 2 premium domain names for a social media network website.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales Nil
EBIDTA Margin Nil
Industries Social Network Websites
Locations  Hyderabad
Business Overview
- Company operated a social media network for 3 years and the operations were closed last year due to a lack of working capital.
- These 2 premium domains can be used for job portals and media platforms.
- Premium domain names are short, catchy, memorable names. The cost of a premium domain can range from a 3‐figure number to a 7‐figure number, depending on the demand.
- One of the domains has a DA of 21.
- The asking price only includes the 2 domains and there are no physical assets or licenses part of this sale.
Products & Services Overview
Premium domain names for one of India’s largest media platforms for young people to share their ideas and opinions.
Our platform when operational, was used by youth to speak up on issues of both national and personal relevance.
Capitalization Overview
The promoter bought the domains at their own risk and now selling for personal reasons. SIngle owner and there are no debts/loans, and no shareholders.
Assets Overview
Two premium domain names (. com and. in) of a catchy brand aimed at youth audience.
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 11 thousand (Native Currency: INR 900,000)
Reason: Personal reasons.
Interested to connect with advisors
In talks with 3 Investors
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