5.7 / 10

Tea company serving 100+ customers looking to expand with additional financial investment.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 30 thousand
EBIDTA Margin Nil
Industries Coffee and Tea
Locations  Ranchi
Business Overview
- Tea company boasting its own brand, specializing in elaichi chai crafted from a unique blend of tea and cardamom.
- Currently offering two delightful flavors to cater to diverse preferences.
- Serving a clientele of nearly 100 satisfied customers.
- Proudly sourcing tea from reputable suppliers in Assam and Siliguri, maintaining relationships with four trusted suppliers.
- Engaged in B2B transactions with wholesalers in Jharkhand, expanding market reach.
- Demonstrating a decade-plus experience in the dynamic tea industry.
- Despite industry expertise, facing a temporary setback as working capital challenges lead to current operational losses.
- Maximum production capacity is 2 tons/month.
- Current production is at 2 tons/month.
- Company has FSSAI license.
Products & Services Overview
Tea company selling own branded tea B2B in Jharkhand.
Capitalization Overview
2 shareholders for the business. 51-49 shareholding split. Company owes a small loan to the shareholders.
Assets Overview
Assets include: Pouch machine, batch coding online printers and other machinery.
Partial Stake Sale
USD 120 thousand for 25.0% stake (Native Currency: INR 10,000,000)
Reason: Require funds to acquire more clients.
Includes physical assets worth USD 24 thousand

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