8.7 / 10
 Abu Dhabi

For Sale: Marine company with government contracts, trade licenses in UAE and overseas locations.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 3.3 million
EBIDTA Margin 40 %
Industries Marine Logistics
Locations  Abu Dhabi
Business Overview
- Ship management and operations company.
- We take vessels from the government fix them and charter them for government contracts/projects.
- Payments are made by the government according to the contracts.
- Operating in government construction of oil and gas projects.
- Company has valid trade licenses in 2 UAE locations (Abu Dhabi and Dubai) and 1 offshore location (Liberia).
- The buyer gets the legal entity, physical assets, and all contracts and trade licenses.
Products & Services Overview
Ship management and operations; marine project management, fleet provision, logistics, customs clearances; crew recruitment and allotment.
Assets Overview
Intangible assets include 3 commercial licenses (Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Liberia), contracts, and agreements. Physical assets include office equipment and computers.
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 5.4 million (Native Currency: AED 20,000,000)
Reason: The owners wish to sell as they are relocating.
Includes physical assets worth USD 160 thousand
Interested to connect with advisors
In talks with 3 Investors
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