6.8 / 10

Business offering powder concentrates for personal and home care products, seeking investment for B2B expansion.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 13 thousand
EBIDTA Margin Nil
Industries Hygiene Products
Locations  Gothenburg
Business Overview
- Business located in Gothenburg, specializes in offering powder concentrates for personal and home care products, including handwashes, bathroom cleaners, and multi-surface cleaners.
- The company is in the process of developing a smart dispenser for hotels in Sweden and is aiming to sell its products to hotels in Dubai.
- Seeking to tap into the growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable cleaning products in the hospitality industry, particularly in the lucrative market of Dubai.
- With its focus on powder concentrates, the company aims to capitalize on the increasing awareness and demand for environmentally friendly and space-saving cleaning solutions.
- Currently operating as a B2C business through its website, the company is looking to expand its operations to B2B.
- The average number of orders per month ranges from 3 to 4.
- The formulation is owned, while outsourcing the production process.
Products & Services Overview
Offers powder concentrates for personal and home care products.
Products include handwashes, bathroom cleaners and multi-surface cleaners.
Currently, B2C business through its official website, planning to expand its operations to B2B by supplying to hotels in Sweden and Dubai.
Capitalization Overview
Business is bootstrapped. No outstanding loans or liabilities. There are 2 directors, holding ownership of 50-50%
Assets Overview
The business doesn't have any physical assets of significant value.
Partial Stake Sale
USD 1.1 million for 20.0% stake (Native Currency: EUR 1,000,000)
Reason: Seeking investment to expand the business to B2B by supplying to hotels across Sweden and Dubai.
Interested to connect with advisors

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