5.6 / 10

Business providing soft skill development for students, seeking funds for marketing and expansion.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 2.2 thousand
EBIDTA Margin Nil
Industries Hobby Classes
Locations  Mumbai
Business Overview
- Business organizing personality development programs and extracurricular activities for students and adults.
- We have 20-plus schools associated with us for soft skills development and we charge INR 5k to 10k per program.
- We have about 200+ students in a single batch.
- We want to expand pan-India, open to expanding through branches or a franchise model.
- Catered to 32 schools last year.
- The sales are low right now and we want to increase this by focusing on marketing.
Products & Services Overview
Soft skill development for students including robotics, coding, positive thinking, and personal development.
The top-selling programs are for personal development and positive thinking. The majority of the events and programs are targeted to school students but we also provide our services to professionals and government employees.
Capitalization Overview
Company has 2 shareholders. - Self-funded. - Equal shareholders.
Assets Overview
Tangible assets: - 2 laptops. - Furniture. - Overhead projectors.
Partial Stake Sale
USD 18 thousand for 30.0% stake (Native Currency: INR 1,500,000)
Reason: Require funds for hiring more people. Especially for our marketing team.
Includes physical assets worth USD 2.4 thousand
Interested to connect with advisors
In talks with 1 Investor
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