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Film production company led by Emmy-nominated producer seeking investors or business loan.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 12 thousand
EBIDTA Margin 40 %
Industries Film Production
Locations  Austin
Business Overview
- Led by an Emmy-nominated, 15-year reality & documentary television producer, our team boasts unparalleled expertise with credits from esteemed networks like Fox, History, and Netflix.
- Our projections speak volumes. With 1.5 million followers per talent and a strategic rollout plan, we anticipate reaching over 9 million users across platforms.
- Through pay-per-view sales, season passes, and exclusive features, we're poised to generate over USD 1.5 million in domestic revenue alone.
- We will also have merchandise. From set pieces to signed scripts, our VIP clients will have access to exclusive memorabilia, adding a lucrative stream of USD 10,000 to USD 25,000 in additional revenue.
- Our sights are set on the international stage, where limitless opportunities await.
- By expanding into global markets, we're confident in achieving our projected revenue of USD 3 million with a projected future growth rate of 5%.
Products & Services Overview
As online audiences clamor for immersive experiences, we are seizing the moment, offering cutting-edge content creation services. From cosplay to character-driven narratives, we are capitalizing on this burgeoning market with gusto.
But that's not all. We are pioneering a new frontier in narrative-driven live-action adaptations. By tapping into the fervent fanbase of a highly successful anime video game franchise, we are crafting an electrifying web series that promises to redefine storytelling in the digital age.
Capitalization Overview
- Currently, it is 100% self-funded by the owner. - There is only one owner in the business with 100% shareholding.
Assets Overview
- 2022 Colorado ZR2. - 2022 MacBook Pro.
Seeking Loan
USD 75 thousand for 15.0% annual interest, 4 years (Native Currency: USD 75,000)
Reason: Seeking funds for the expansion of the business. Given the explosion of content, my connections in ... View More
Collateral Available: USD 75 thousand
Includes physical assets worth USD 75 thousand
Interested to connect with advisors
In talks with 3 Investors
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