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Healthcare startup providing SaaS platform for connecting patients, doctors, pharmacies with 10,000 onboarded patients.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 40 thousand
EBIDTA Margin 30 %
Industries Medical Software
Locations  Bangalore
Business Overview
- Startup providing healthcare software to connect doctors, patients, pharmacies ad labs.
- Have enrolled 20+ doctors with us so far.
- Generate revenue by charging a commission on the consultation fee.
- Aim to provide affordable healthcare solutions to the last reach using innovative technology solutions.
- The platform has been developed in-house.
- Have done a pilot for virtual clinics in rural areas.
- Have catered to 150+ patients and have onboarded 10,000 patients.
- Team with over 50 years of rich experience working on healthcare technology innovation. Experience in implementing products and services for various healthcare clients both in the USA and India. Experience in Implementing Healthcare solutions to both public sector and private sector customers with a highly qualified team of engineers, advisors, domain specialists, and doctors.
- In the first few months the sales of the business will be inconsistent as it still needs to be properly set up.
Products & Services Overview
- Tele-diagnostic & consultation.
- 24/7 ask a doctor.
- Expert advice/referrals.
- Lab and pharmacy services - online and home delivery.
- Virtual clinics.
Assets Overview
Laptops for employees, furniture at the virtual clinic. Intangible assets include telemedicine platform.
Partial Stake Sale
USD 300 thousand for 60.0% stake (Native Currency: INR 25,000,000)
Reason: The business requires investment up to INR 5 crore. Funding is required for research & development (... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 6 thousand
Interested to connect with advisors
In talks with 3 Investors
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