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3D and digital limb fabrication company, which manufactures 99.9% replication of patient’s original limbs.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 1.4 million
EBIDTA Margin 35 %
Industries Medical Prosthetics
Locations  Gaithersburg
Business Overview
- We are forerunners in the industry of 3D and digital limb fabrication.
- According to the Federal Government, Medicare and Medicaid, our company is less than 2% in the globe, that can manufacture the human body in a 3-dimensional form (legs, arms, hands, feet, partial and full hips).
- Medicare and Medicaid verify the unique medical breakthroughs 3D and digital technology brings for limb fabrication in patient care.
- The O&P journal explains how our 3D and digital limb technology captures the 99.9% replication of their original limb, as this is where the medical breakthroughs come from.
- We fabricate microprocessors, computerized and robotic limbs, and standardized limbs, it is used for all 3 variations.
- Our clients are vascular surgeons, hospitals, rehab centres. We design prosthetics as per the order.
- The 3 dimensional technology for limb fabrication increases the longevity of the patients' life, eliminates painful sores, eliminates their 2nd amputation, and saves untold millions of dollars for medical expenses for Medicare and Medicaid.
- We have a 500 patient referral base that comes with the sale of this company, and we are an American Board Certification Accreditation company.
- Company also has key and critical insurance providers that allow a turn-key operation for the buyer.
- These medical provider numbers are worth millions of dollars in this industry. In the biotech healthcare system, a company cannot make five cents without good standing medical provider numbers. We have been in good standing for over a decade with our provider numbers, which gives a great advantage for any buyer.
- Company is associated with 6+ reputed medical providers.
- We have set up the future buyer with a substantial growth rate: As we just piloted the 3D and digital limb fabrication technology in the last few years, we became forerunners of this industry. Our company completed the transfer of technology and training, from 1-dimensional limb fabrication to 3D and digital limb fabrication, and completed our pilot program in 2019. Our pilot program included adaptations and expenses in 3D and digital equipment and machines; as well as the training, and transferring our lab into accommodating both one-dimensional and 3-dimensional limb fabrication.
- The sale of this company gives immediate extensive growth with an existing 12-year patient referral base, of 500 returning patients. The revenue growth is immediately supported by the excellent standing Medicare and Medicaid provider numbers/all insurance provider numbers are listed and included above, which allow the turnkey revenue beyond normal sales.
- We are giving the buyer the edge in this industrial market of fabrication of limb building that revolutionizes patient care. These advanced medical breakthroughs in technology, have not been in this industry for 60 years. Therefore; these upgrades in healthcare technology are wanted by the majority of vascular surgeons, who are requesting for their patient care inside of 3D and digital limb fabrication, and cannot find it! why? Due to the less than 2% ability of prosthetic companies to fabricate inside of this technology.
- This is a turn-key operation for the buyer. This sale gives immediate untold growth and its profitability is beyond the normal range of 8-12% growth.
Products & Services Overview
Company specializing in fabrication and patient care related to 3D limbs and other body prosthetics. We fabricate both 1 dimensional and 3D limbs.
Assets Overview
This is a turnkey operation with digital technology and excellent growth in fabrication and patient care. Physical assets included in this sale: 1. Thirteen 3D and digital limb fabrication machines. 2. Two digital scanners. These machines take 1,000’s of measurements per second that produces the 99.9% replication of the patients original limb. This is where the medical breakthroughs come from. Determined by the Federal Government and Medicare and Medicaid. Documents inside of the American O&P journals and AOPA. 3. All one dimensional and 3-dimensional tools and digital equipment to produce both types of limb fabrication. Other assets: 1. 500 patient base. 2. Digital compliance software system for patient care. 3. The following medical providers that come with our sale to the buyer. These go with our 500 patient base and are worth millions of dollars. A. Medicare. B. Medicaid. C. Blue Cross Blue Shield. D. United Healthcare. E. Aetna. F. Maryland Physicians Care. G. American Board Certified Accreditation Business. H. Baltimore Maryland office near the Baltimore Harbor. I. ABC Certified lab technician (if needed)
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 3.5 million (Native Currency: USD 3,500,000)
Reason: We launched an aggressive expansion after 12 years of business. We have combined over 86 years of he... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 500 thousand
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In talks with 3 Investors
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