7.8 / 10

Online garden nursery providing end-to-end solutions with 3,000+ members and 15-20 daily orders seeking investment.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 60 thousand
EBIDTA Margin 20 %
Industries Garden Nurseries
Locations  Kolkata
Business Overview
- We are an online garden nursery business.
- Business started operation in the last 4 months.
- Receive 15-20 orders daily with an average order value of INR 900-1,000.
- The business grows the plans on rented land.
- Business has a customer network of 3,155.
- Have started a Gardner subscription under which the users will be able to hire gardeners.
- Provide services across India.
- Gardeners are being trained currently.
- Promoters have - all over India. + years of tech and + years of horticulture experience.
- We have GST and incorporation certificates.
Products & Services Overview
We provide end-to-end gardening solutions.
Plants are delivered to the customer's doorstep.
Capitalization Overview
- Bootstrapped with no loans. - Total 3 directors with equal split. - No rounds raised yet since sales started 5 months back.
Assets Overview
There are no physical assets in the business yet.
Partial Stake Sale
USD 60 thousand for 10.0% stake (Native Currency: INR 5,000,000)
Reason: Need funds for working capital and inventory management. Valuation is based on the current growth of... View More
Interested to connect with advisors
In talks with 1 Investor
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