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Web3 gaming platform empowering gamers to play, level up, and gain financial literacy seeks investment.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales Nil
EBIDTA Margin Nil
Industries Gaming Websites
Locations  Nicosia
Business Overview
Number of Clients/Users:
Over 1,500 downloads of the app.
A growing user base with a target to onboard over 40,000 users within the next two years.
Revenue Model:
- Diverse revenue streams including eSports tournament participation, a marketplace, transaction fees, and level-UP Schemes.
- Earning opportunities within the ecosystem through tokens, which can be obtained via dApp rewards, tournaments, and other interactive engagements.
- CEO & Co-Founder, has over 18 years in the IT industry and has been a crypto entrepreneur since 10 years.
- CEO & Co-Founder, brings extensive experience as a passionate semi-pro gamer.
- CTO oversees a team of more than 500 blockchain engineers.
- CFO is an expert in cross-border financial transactions with over 30 years of experience.
A) Business Relationships:
- Strategic partnerships with gaming guilds like IndieGG, Bayz, Ninja Game Guild.
- Collaborations with industry leaders such as Polygon Studios and involvement with Amazon, INFURA, Web3Auth, Chainlink, The Graph, Adwivo, Chappyz, QuestN, and more.
B) Community and marketing:
Strong community presence with over 15000 members each in Discord and Telegram communities, growing at a rate of 20-30% weekly.
Active marketing and user acquisition campaigns, including collaborations with traditional gaming content creators and community marketing initiatives.
C) Awards and Recognitions:
(This section can be filled in if GamersXP has received any specific awards or notable recognitions in the industry. )
D) Future Plans and Funding:
Successfully bootstrapped initially by the founders and received an investment commitment of $100K.
Seeking to raise $2.4 million through an equity and Token Sale for future development and expansion.
Products & Services Overview
Business products:
1) PoA Protocol - Build gaming identity for gamers -help gamers to level up their gaming -subscription-based.
2) Debit card - Defi products Introduce gamers' financial literacy through Defi and traditional financial products - Subscription-based.
3) Esports tournaments - entry fees.
4) Raffles - entry fees.
5) Marketplace - Selling goods.
6) Ecosystem Utility NFT - Selling NFTs.
Capitalization Overview
- Bootstrapped by the founders. - There are no loans or debts. - Total of 3 shareholders, 49% each, 2 % nominee shareholders.
Assets Overview
- Software gaming platform. - Computer hardware and software.
Partial Stake Sale
USD 540 thousand for 33.0% stake (Native Currency: EUR 500,000)
Reason: Develop roadmap products, onboard 20K users, onboard marketing team and development team. Generate $... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 5.4 thousand
Interested to connect with advisors
In talks with 3 Investors
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